
2007-08-29 8:10 am
Experienced teachers like to give(everyday/every day)examples to illustrate and solve probloms during lessons.
到底everyday和every day,

算我地唔識野,我地真係唔知everyday和every day有咩分別?

回答 (7)

2007-08-29 8:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
The answer should be "everyday".....Basically, Everyday and every day have the same meaning.... However, the have different uses.... For everyday, is used as an adj. , instead, every day is used as nonu.... In this question, (give XX examples), here we need an adj to describe the examples. Therefore, Everyday should be the answer.
2007-08-29 10:04 am
everyday和every day真的有分別!
eg.Everyday fashion
every day是adverb副詞
eg.He reads a book every day.

hope can help you
2007-08-29 9:15 am
Everyday 是adjective(形容詞),可解作"每天發生的、每日所用的、日常的",例如:an eveyday occurrence(日常之事),He dress up in his everyday cloths to graduate dinner(他穿著便服出席畢業晚宴 ),Experienced teachers like to give EVERYDAY examples to illustrate and solve probloms during lessons.(在課堂上,有經驗的老師,喜歡給予日常生活的例子,來說明和解釋問題。
Every day是每一日,例如:He enjoyed every day in his summer holiday( 他享受他的暑假的每一天),such things do not happen every day(這種事情並非每一天發生)。
2007-08-29 8:30 am
The answer to your question is EVERYDAY becasuse:

Everyday = adjective (used to describe nouns) E.G Everyday story, Everyday clothes, Everyday occurrence.

Every day = adverb (used to describe actions) E.g I go to school every day, John reads newspapers every day.

Hope this can help you . Good Luck!
參考: A Dictionary of common errors in English
2007-08-29 8:24 am
everyday 是特別指向某種物件、事情
而 every day 則著重指向日子,如

My work clothes are separate from my everyday clothes.
Copy-machine breakdowns are an everyday event.

I start every day by giving my wife a kiss.
Mrs Kelley watches “The View” every day.
2007-08-29 8:24 am
其實正確的寫法應該是everyday,而不是every day, 所以是有分別的。如果寫成了every day就不對了 !!!!!!!!!
2007-08-29 8:16 am

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