how can you tell your parents that your living with your bf?

2007-08-29 6:12 am
how can you tell your parents that you been living with a married guy also (bf) though his first marriage is a real mistake only (early marriage and due to pregnancy). how can you convince you parents to understand and accept it?

回答 (8)

2007-08-29 6:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
First, are you of legal age to live on your own? If yes, than you do things on your own free will and you are also responsible for those things.
Second, accept the fact that your parents might have their own opinion and criticize you about you living with a married man. You do not have to tell your parents that your bf is married that is your choice. What his marital status is is between you and your bf, not your parents.
Third, think about why you want to tell your parents that you are living with your bf. Are you planning on getting married, did he propose? I would just say "Mom and Dad, I'm living with someone and this guy is great and he's from..." and leave it at that. Or I wouldn't even tell my parents that I'm living with a guy until I'm engaged, that will be the only time I introduce him. The choice is yours.
2007-08-29 2:06 pm
well, HE is rebounding... and you are not taking very good care of yourself by living with a married guy!

good luck, is all i can say... if i were your parents, i'd probably be disgusted.
2007-08-29 1:37 pm
I strongly suggest to never do that again. Never date anybody who is still married. Especially the one with kid(s). Wait until he is legally divorced THEN you can start dating him and live with him if you want.

About telling your parents, you know deep in your heart that it is not the right thing to do to live in with somebody who is still legally married. Put yourself in his wife's shoes. It doesn't matter whether or not it was unexpected pregnancy that made them got married. It means he is not a responsible man. Tell your parents that you have been living with a guy who is still legally married and he got 1 kid and lets see what they are going to say to you. I am sure they won't be happy about it.
2007-08-29 1:34 pm
if he still marry then you dont need to be with him until his
divorce is final, trust me there no way that your parents will
approve of this. because they know that you will be the one
that will get hurt at the end. he need to get out of one sitution
before he started a second one.
2007-08-29 1:34 pm you really want to tell them that? If you have to ask this already know what they are going to say. I think your parents could deal with the fact you're living together...the problem is "he's married"!! You can tell them, but don't expect it to be accepted. No matter how old you are, parents always want what's best for you. Moving in with a "married" man, emphasis on married, is not something most parents would accept. In life you make decisions and sometimes in the end you find out it was the wrong decision, but that's life. You live, experience and learn from your mistakes. I had a friend who was involved with a married man and his marriage was "a real mistake". To make the story short....he made broken promises about getting a divorce and now he's back with his wife that he made such a mistake marrying and my friend is all alone. Just think about the whole picture. It's good to follow your heart, but don't let if overcome your common sense! Not saying that he would go back to his wife, but at least the moving in could have waited until his divorce is final or at least until the papers have been filed. I hope you make the right decision....I wish you the best of luck!!
2007-08-29 1:28 pm
Oh dear, this will only end in sorrow (for you).
2007-08-29 1:19 pm
Wow, u got a problem there, n bsides i wouldn't want a married bf...but whatever, tell them its your life n if ur parents really love u, they will accept it how u r!!!
2007-08-29 1:18 pm
Big mistake, you should wait until the guy get divorced before you get involved. I don't think your parent will accept it, afterall you're wrecking someone's family... making a kid to grow up in a single parent family....

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