owen wilson suiside attempt, my brother suceeded, want to help him?

2007-08-29 6:04 am
Its been 25 years ago Oct.13. Still blame ourselves after all this time. I cry writing this. he was my best friend.

回答 (14)

2007-08-29 6:10 am
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Who do you want me to help? Owen Wilson? Owen wilson's dumb for trying to commit suicide, i mean he's rich and i find him very funny why would he try to commit suicide? I think there should be an organization to stop suicide as a whole not just Owen Wilson. Oh sorry to hear about your loss its not your fault im sure.
2007-08-29 1:16 pm
It wasn't your fault, and i think you know that. It's okay to cry, i don't think you'll ever completely get over it. It's hard enough when someone you love dies, and i can imagine how much harder it is when they commit suicide. What you can do is always show others you love them, because even though they seem happy, they might be hating themselves inside. And always help people out and try to make them feel good and trust you. But remember that some people can't or won't accept help or good things from others because they are so self-centered or depressed. I've contemplated suicide before and if i had done it, trust me it had nothing to do with my family or something they had or hadn't done, it was mental issues within myself that i needed to get over. God was my main help, i don't think anybody else could have helped me. If i didn't know him or pray to him, i wouldn't be answering this question right now even though i had all these people and blessings in my life. But always make sure to be nice to people and loving and at least for a moment they'll think that something in life or in themselves could be better just because of the kindness you showed them. Love your neighbor as yourself.
2007-08-29 1:14 pm
it doesnt ******* matter if you hate ppl or not...a life is a life...& a life lost - thats serious. it can never be retreived.

my condolensces to you darling, about your brother. you are in my prayers.

you would think ppl would get over petty things like hate...a suicidal individual is obviously is crying out for help to the world....some nerve you as another human being have to turn your back on them...like whoever you believe in [God, etc.] turns their back on you.

oh, & if you happen to think that your deity HAS turned their back on you...i feel bad for you...but iunno what else to say, keep searching for the answers to lifes questions. theyre all inside of you.
參考: pC3<3
2007-08-29 1:12 pm
I'm sure you'll feel sad when you lost your best friend or knowing that your best friend hurt himself, but you shouldn't blame yourself when someone commit suiside or attempt commit suiside, it's his choice to end his life afterall.
2007-08-29 1:10 pm
im sorry for your lost, it hard to lose someone that you loved,
and when something happen that make you think about
the past, it stir up feelings, but if you truly want to help then
just sent a letter to him. i sure that he will apprecate this
from you. and peace be with you also.....
2007-08-29 1:16 pm
I heard this once. suicide is a cowards way out. It leave those that loved him/her with a heavy heart forever. I am so so sorry for your loss. But you have one life my dear, to blame yourself for so many years is so sad. You can't change yesterday, can dream for tomorrow, and God wants you to find joy in today.
2007-08-29 1:10 pm
Suicide is a very selfish act, you end your own suffering but create an enormous amount for all your remaining family and friends.

I am sorry for what you have been through and the feelings you are still dealing with. Usually there was never anything you could have done to stop such a horrific act.

My thoughts are with you!
2007-08-29 1:34 pm
i'm sorry to hear about your brother and the pain his passing has left behind.

not unlike your brother, i assume Owen Wilson's issues and life problems must seem larger than his ability to cope right now... and people who come to this decision, feel everyone else would be better of without them...

it's NOT your fault about your brother.... hon, have you tried doing a search for SUICIDE SURVIVORS SELF HELP or SUICIDE SURVIVORS FORUMS ? I'm sure there are many websites / forums out there that you can take a look at... and in forums you can participate, tell your story and give and take the advice of others who are in your shoes.

i have personal experience with suicidal feelings... and i don't mind admitting it here... my life was too much for me at those times, i couldn't cope and my problems seemed to weigh about seventeen tons. truth is, i didn't feel anyone cared. i have a mental illness, and time after time i have been told to "get over it" because the people in my life just don't give a damn.. and that's the truth....

all i have ever wanted was someone to listen, and i've finally found that -- i administer a forums for the mentally ill... i we give and take support and listen to each other. it is helpful.

i am truly sorry for your pain... i hope you will be able to take the time to search for articles and/or forums on survivors of suicide. doing a search for COPING WITH GRIEF may be helpful also?

God bless.

P.S. Suicide isn't a very selfish act, it's an action of desparation as the result of horrific emotional pain.
2007-08-29 1:22 pm
I am sorry for your loss. I lost my mom 2 yrs ago not suicide but she tried over the years, she just gave up and stopped eating and got weak and pneumonia very fast. Grief does not have an expiry date and when someone does kill themselves it is those loved ones left behind that deal with very mixed emotions: guilt, why?, etc; Your brothers suicide was not your fault and I am sure he loves you to and want's you to live your life to the fullest. I do believe one day we will meet our loved ones again. I still cry everyday also this is very normal. You could also seek a grief counsellor too. Don't blame yourself for what happened it was not your fault this was his choice and his doing and I am sure he would tell you this if he could. I believe when they go to the otherside their is no guilt or hate. Hope this helps you.
2007-08-29 1:11 pm
Owen Wilson hospitalized

Police say actor would be 'detoxed'


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Owen Wilson


Actor Owen Wilson was taken to a hospital in Santa Monica, Calif.,
Sunday, according to a story Drudge Report linked to on Sunday.

According to the report, Wilson was transported to St. John's
Hospital. Citing sources, The National Enquirer and Star magazine said
the star of "Wedding Crashers" and "Starsky & Hutch" had cut his
left wrist and taken an undetermined amount of pills.

He was found by a family member who called for help.

Santa Monica police confirmed only that the actor had been taken to a hospital, TMZ.com reported.

"On Sunday Aug. 26. 2007 at 12:10 pm officers from the Santa Monica
Police Department responded to a medical assistance call from the Santa
Monica Fire Department," the police said in a news release. "The person
was transported to a local hospital where they are being treated."

Citing medical privacy laws, the police did not release any further information.

The Enquirer said Wilson's wrist was stitched and bandaged at the hospital, and that Wilson would "be detoxed."

A call to Wilson's publicist was not immediately returned. TMZ said.

Source: variety.com

been a bizarre past week. Linday gets one day in the can, Nicole spends
only 82 minutes in jail, Britney gets pulled over for speeding, Hulk
Hogan’s son is involved in a near fatal car accident and Owen Wilson
slits his wrists in his Santa Monica home.

Bizarre indeed. Out of the blue.

We have learned that Wilson was transfered from St. John’s hospital
to the Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. His brother Luke was
seen arriving to the latter on Sunday night. Star Magazine and The
National Enquirer exclusively broke the story, which originally was
reported as an “overdose” problem but as the story unfolded, it was
learned that he had slit his wrists as well, both of them.

His condition is now stable.

Even though a lot are calling it a suicide attempt, the truth is
that we really don’t know. He could have been under the influence of
the overdose of medication pills he had just taken, which could have
rendered him uncontrollable.

Owen Wilson recently split from Kate Hudson.

The story will continue to develop during the day….

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