GIRLS if you have the chance, would you like to meet and talk to the girl your bf had one night stand with?

2007-08-28 11:59 pm

回答 (14)

2007-08-29 12:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
no. It would solve nor clarify nothing.
2007-08-29 8:20 am
Nope. Not even a little.
2007-08-29 7:26 am
That's like asking the guys if they'd want to talk to the guy their GF had a one night stand with. I know that most one-nighters are usually not that memorable. It's just sex and then goodbye. I'd have to say No.
2007-08-29 7:24 am
YEAH, while I'm at it why don't I ask the first girl he gave oral to too and ask her how that went. And the girl he lost his virginity to, and geeze the 1st girl he kissed.

Why don't I size myself up to all these 1sts in my man's life so I can obsess and wonder and freak out over nothing.
參考: ..... sarcasm in case you couldn't tell
2007-08-29 7:14 am
NO, why in the heck would I ? It only opens up fresh wounds, Get on with your life.
2007-08-29 7:13 am
I have zero interest in talking to anyone my bf has been with. His past is his past and has nothing to do with me!!
2007-08-29 7:11 am
No. It has nothing to do with the girl. I think you should rather cut your bf loose.
2007-08-29 7:11 am
Why? So you can torture yourself? You need to let it go or move on to someone you can trust. In the end you will do what is best for your own instincts..
2007-08-29 7:07 am
Um NO.... Seriously are you for real? As long as you got tested, that's all you should be concerned with. And if he cheated on you for a one night stand, leave him.
2007-08-29 7:09 am
No I like to think I have class and dignity.
Who wants to hear what a skank has to say???

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