do you put limits on you kids computer time?

2007-08-28 11:42 pm

回答 (10)

2007-08-28 11:58 pm
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Sort of. They are so busy with sports and other extra curricular activities that they don't have time. When they do have down time at home, we play games which they like better than computer.
2007-08-29 6:48 am
mine sets alimit for me lol
2007-08-30 5:03 am
Yes. He's 15, and just started gr. 11 today. As of now, he's on an hour of SCREEN time a day - that includes computer, tv, and gaming console. It may change depending upon his homework, etc. More computer time is allowed when and if needed for homework or assignments.
2007-08-29 6:59 am
I think it depends on the age.

However, I've never had a limit with anything [computer, tv, video games, etc] throughout my years.

i'm 18 now.
2007-08-29 6:56 am
yes my daugter does not have any business being on the computer all day....
2007-08-29 6:55 am
my kids get about an hour every other day on the computer right now. They are 2 and 5. That will change when they get into school though because i remember how many reports and stuff i had to do in school and it was more like 2 hrs every night sometimes just to complete homework assignments.
2007-08-29 6:50 am
We limit computer time, gamecube time, t.v. time, all that stuff, they need to play outside while they still can and play games together and interact with eachother. Plus, if you ask me, t.v. has just totally gone so disgusting, even family channel, so we don't do much t.v. anyway. God Bless.
參考: mom of 4
2007-08-29 6:47 am
The AAP says that kids under 2 should have no screeen time that includes computers and over 2-12 should have no more than 2 hours. Total TV, Video games, Computer. It is best to limit it.
2007-08-29 6:47 am
Yes, I have a friend she set the computer to cut off at 11:00pm every night
2007-08-29 6:47 am
I sure do....My daughter is 9...SHe gets about an hour every other day...The rest of the time, she needs to do something better than sit in front of a computer (play with dolls, outside, etc)
參考: mom of 4

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