My daughter wont stop stealing things from me, please help!?

2007-08-28 11:34 pm
She takes my makeup and anything that she thinks should be hers. The newest thing is she is taking food from the cupboards, refrigerator; wherever. She takes it either into her room and makes a huge mess including staining her carpet or today she took an entire box of Special K granola bars and shared them with all of her friends at school. I cannot get it through her head to stop. I have no more ideas, please help...

She is 9 1/2 years old-some of you have asked...Also, I consider it stealing b/c we are on a tight budget. She knows this. I am in school for nursing and my husband is the only one supporting us. The police consider it stealing b/c she has also taken it further from home (ie: Walmart, Osco, Ace Hardware) if you don't ask for something it is stealing. My makeup is not for everyone-we do not share my stuff as I do not share her toys. I have groceries for the week which include her lunches and her snacks. I don't have extra money at this time to feed the neighborhood. I think that has answered anyone's question on that!


she doesn't experiment with my makeup either-she uses it to write all over her bed sheets or her walls. Her friends do not come over- she takes it to them at school. I have snacks for my kids-I just do not supply them to their friends at school. She has been told not to do it. This is why I am asking for help!! It's not experimental-it's not b/c she has friends over-it's not that I don't share my food with my children. A whole box of whatever she feels like taking is unacceptable to me, this is why I need answers on what type of punishment will work. Nothing I have done will work!! I hope this clears it up even more!!!

回答 (7)

2007-08-29 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Make her buy lunch at school(you give her money)
so she doesnt have snacks to give away. When you notice something of yours is gone take something valuable away from her room such as a favorite toy or a cell phone , if she steals another thing after that, you take away something bigger( such as her bed, give her a sleeping bag and a pillow and make her sleep on the ground) By the way dont let her see you take this stuff away from her. If she steals food, make her replace it by buying you it back. If she does not have enough money to do so, make her earn it by doing extra chores. Also what you could do is store you makeup in something that she cant get to, like perhaps get one of those mini lockers(you can get them at walmart, claires, icing, and limited too) and lock up your makeup.

Best of luck

2007-08-29 6:53 am
Be firmed with what you said, tell her to ask you everytime if she needs to take any thing from home or your purse. You may want to time her out or even grounded if she won't stop. If she make a mess have her clean up the mess under your supervision. If it still won't work, I would donate all her favorite toys, gameboy... whatever she likes the most without asking her. I'll let her feel how it's like if you do this to her.
2007-08-29 6:43 am
Tell her that those items cost you money and that you are purchasing them for yourself, so if she wants to take them, she will have to buy you new ones.
2007-08-29 6:45 am
latches on the cuboards, high up latch on your bedroom door so she can't get in when your out of the room. if she is older than 5 let her know it is wrong to take things that aren't hers and maybe use a chart and each day she dosen't steal a thing she gets some small reward. but if shes older than 9 im not sure what to do.
2007-08-29 6:43 am
you need to get the belt out and let her see what you mean when you say not to take things. or take something away from her that is presious to her and if she acts like she dosent care, dont fall for it its just an act to get our stuff back quicker.
2007-08-29 7:09 am old is your the age of 13 I started taking my moms make-up...thats how we learn we experiment with moms stuff...the food in our pantry is for everybody not only for one person...your daughter should ask if she can give it out but if you don't tell her it's not ok she will keep doing it...if you know her friends come over after school you should buy snacks for her to share with her friends...
2007-08-29 6:57 am
Why do you call it stealing?Did you help yourself to your moms food? buy special treats for her, and her friends , tell her some foods need to be given out in certain amounts because of her healthy diet Get her some play makeup , tell her when she take your personal things you will take something of hers , But if your house is like most ,everything in the house belongs to everyone, when this was happening to me it was like more a pet peeve. than anything , oh, I remember, my scissors,my hair brush I could go on for ever. of all our shared stuff. /// every thing will all turn out just fine

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