My brother keeps forgetting his homework at school. Do you think this is normal for a first grader?

2007-08-28 10:38 pm

回答 (12)

2007-08-29 3:06 am
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Yes especially if he knows he can get away with it. I instituted a policy in our house where everyone gets one "I forgot" for the week. If one the kids forgets for a second time in one week, they are grounded for a day. This "I forgot" covers the following: homework (both bringing it home and taking it to school) and doing chores.
2007-08-29 6:59 am
First grade boys would forget their heads if they werent' attached. They're too busy concentrating on the hard work of playing.
2007-08-29 6:56 am
Very normal. What i'll do is post a sign at the door (the door that he would get out of the house to school). Put it in red "remember to bring your homework". I did that to my daughter and it works. :)
2007-08-29 6:41 am
he's just learning the way of the whole day of school. He probably just forgets - it's just natural to take it this way. Just ask his teacher to kindly remind him so he won't forget. It's only like the first week or so of school - and this is a really big deal. he's just starting going all day. He shouldn't even have homework this early - but whatever.
2007-08-29 5:48 am
Yes, it is normal. He is not used to having to keep up with such paper work, does not realize the importance, and may hope to get out of having to do it.
參考: Raised 3 sons.
2007-08-29 5:43 am
Yes, it's normal. He's still very young (he's what? six or seven?), and his memory isn't as sharp as older children. My little brother did the same thing all the time. More often, though, he left his list of assignments at school or didn't bother to write them down at all. Just keep reminding him and he'll eventually get better about it.
2007-08-29 5:43 am
yeah, first graders dont exactly have homework on the brain ;) lol, just keep telling him to remember his homework, maybe right alittle note for him or his teacher.
2007-08-29 5:42 am
of course
2007-08-29 5:41 am
2007-08-29 5:50 am
My son is going into fourth grade. He NEVER has forgotten his home work. I don't think it's normal and I think it needs to be taken care of before he's in High School and doesn't do his homework. Then what will happen? This needs to stop now before it really makes a problem. Besides you get a grade on it. My son always wanted good grades so he did what he had to do.

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