marriage and money?

2007-08-28 10:19 pm
For married couples, what is the rule when it comes to your money? Is it OUR money? or MINE is still MINE and YOURS is still YOURS? or does the wife really have a say on her husband's money?

Is there a law that says that once you are married, you own what he owns?

回答 (14)

2007-08-28 10:33 pm
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For us, we deposit our paychecks in the same account (is our account), and then we use the money to pay bills, etc.

We put apart some money for saving (again, we share it too) and we also take out some money which is out “personal” money. She uses hers on whatever she wants, and I do the same. We can save it, go out shopping, etc, etc.

That money is not part of food, going out together, or for any bills including car or house repairs. We have set apart money for that too, so our personal money is just that personal.

It has work very well for us for many years. And still, we ask most of the time to each other before spending big on our personal money.

And yes, about the law, unless you make a pre-marital agreement on what is his and hers, then after you are married, everything becomes mutual, in other words, what is hers is his, and what is his is hers.
2007-08-28 10:40 pm
When I was married it was our money but after my divorce I quickly found out that because my ex was considered the person responsible for payment or considered the primary person on the account (even when both our names where on the account) that I did not get any credit history from these accounts. I understand now why many couples have separate accounts. I basically had to start over.
2007-08-28 10:33 pm
My hubby and I share every bit of money that comes into this house. We both work and we both provide for our family. Once we were married, it was no longer "his" or "hers" but OURS!
2007-08-28 10:32 pm
Once you get married, you should both want everything to be joined together. Theres no need to split everything like friends do. Your life is suppose to be as two people working together in everything you do. How can you really do that, if you start out saying this is mine and you have to get your own.
2007-08-28 10:32 pm
It is our money. Before we make any large purchases we consult each other on them. My husband is the CFO of our home (and does an awesome job at it!) which is nice because I do not have to deal with the headache of the bills.

Good luck!
2007-08-28 10:31 pm
It's our money. I work full time and my wife is a writer; some months she makes half what I made, others she makes triple what I do in a month. It all goes into the same account and we trust each other to spend responsibly.
2007-08-28 10:45 pm
"Legally" whatever you / him make before you two got married still belongs to individual. After you got married everything is 50/50. Unless there're any (pinatual) agreement between the 2 of you. Well, I think marriage should base of "Love" instead of only money. Money is important but if money is the only matter, the marriage will be a bit weak.
2007-08-28 10:36 pm
It's different for everyone.
My husband I only have one account, and his check is direct deposited and I take care of all the bills and stuff. I don't think he even knows how much $$ is in the account. Oh, and we have a savings. But it's our's. And yes, I do ahve a job right now. And I am in school and I keep up the house, and all that fun stuff. But he says it's ours too!!

There is no law that syas that I don't think, but pretty much everything he has or you have is look at as community property after you get married. (I Think)

And a lot of my friends have seperate and joint accounts. The joing account is for bills and stuff, but I just think that's just too much to keep up in my opinion!
2007-08-28 10:32 pm
There are laws in each state about marital assets, however each couple views it differently. My husband and I do better with separate checkbooks. This way he does not have to be concerned about writing a check and I've used the debit card. He is also more of a saver than I am, so he does not need to get on me about spending and can save as much as he wants at the same time.
2007-08-28 10:30 pm
We both contribute to the house account which covers all our expensed, mortgage,etc. We each manage our own savings and spending money.

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