wifes leaving me why?

2007-08-28 10:10 pm
ive just come back after a two week holiday with my wife & kids now she says shes leaving me!!!! to be honest i cant understand the women i never even seen her i was out drinking all day long with some blokes i met. but she said she was embarassed & some one told her i had a s**t in the sea . women are they just unreasonable i work long shifts & look forward to my holiday & dont need the grief!!!!!

回答 (42)

2007-08-28 10:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
is this a joke haha if so good one haha.
2007-08-28 10:20 pm
You spent a 2 week Holiday ignoring your wife (so you say), and now you wonder why she is leaving you? I only wonder why she married you in the first place.
2007-08-28 10:16 pm
maybe its something to do with the fact you said you had a two week holiday with your wife and kids but was actually drinking all day with some blokes....

Hmmm..... I'd leave ya too! lol
2007-08-28 10:16 pm

To be honest it could be the fact that you went on a FAMILY holiday together and you ended up spending all your time socialising with other blokes and not your family and acting like a teenager.

Only she knows the true answer to why she leaving you so you better off communicating with her about it but more you bury your head in sand and say you can't be dealing with the grief the more you are running away from issues and giving her the big indicator that she right in her decision to leave you.

If you want your wife then you need to make more of an effort to spend time with her and include her in things and put a stop to these bad boy antics - shitting in the sea? Come on your kids would have been playing in there! Yuck!

Communicate with her and see if the two of you can reach some compromises but if she does in no way take this as you been given a green light to do what you want. She may give you another chance but if she does it will be the LAST chance so step up and be a man and show her why she married you in first place.

Good luck!

2016-05-20 3:01 pm
In all honesty, I don't think it matters. either one of you leaving would cause a sad situation, especially when there are children involved. If it didn't work, it didn't work, those things happen. Look at him moving near you as a blessing, the kids will have access to both parents all the time. Stop worrying about him trying to get back with you. I know you may be feeling guilty for hurting his feelings, but sooner or later he's going to come to accept that it just didn't work and start to move on...they all do.
2007-08-29 11:22 pm
She feels it was a family holiday and you left her with YOUR kids, and when you did come back she wanted some TLC but you were too drunk to give it her. If you want her back talk to her explaining why you did what you did (explain the stress you felt you were under from work etc) and what you are willing to change to make her happy and explain that you will do anything to get her back maybe arrange a romantic holiday with just her and don't go off with random blokes. Hope this helps.
2007-08-29 1:40 am
Your wife is right to leave you. If you don't see that from the question you submitted you are in need of counseling.

I bet your family needs counseling as well having had you as a husband and father.
2007-08-28 11:02 pm
First of all "wifes"??? Which one is leaving you?? Anyway, some men maybe fun to be a boyfriend but when woman talking about marriage a husband needs to be "mature, responsible, caring, loving considerate." Secure (emotional, physical and finacially) very important. My guess is she doesn't feel secure with you at all. Working hard is a good, but intelligent is also important. Afterall, woman wants to marry a husband not a hard working horse. Right?
2007-08-28 10:48 pm
dude women are mysterious creatures. us men will never ever figure them out. I am going through a separation. she tells me she loves me and we can talk for hours, then the next day she doesnt want to deal with things. women have so many emotions and feelings that we will never be able to understand
2007-08-28 10:25 pm
the answers in your question!

she's not being unreasonable about you working long shifts but if you go on holiday with your family and desert them all the time what do you expect? she was embarrassed because you weren't there. getting drunk was more important that relaxing with your family.

your not a family man really are you. if you want a batchelor's style holiday then don't take your wife and kids!

she probably feels that you see them as an inconvienience in your life. which by the sounds of it, you do!

i think you need realise that it's not all about you anymore but your kids too. it's them i feel sorry for.

here's some words for you to look up in the dictionary:
you can see where i'm going with this.
2007-08-28 10:23 pm
YOu went on a family vacation and then you never spent any time with your family, and acted like a fool and embarrased her and you are wondering why she is leaving you?
Don't you think that she works hard too and don't you think that she deserves a vacation too, and don't you think that maybe she might have wanted to spend the family vacation with her WHOLE family including her husband?
What an idiot!

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