If you had no close freinds or family....Can you really be happy??

2007-08-28 7:22 pm

回答 (6)

2007-08-28 7:41 pm
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Hi. YES YES YES. You can be happy. I'm proof of that. I dont think I'm alone at all. I dont feel lonely at all. I have just one friend and He is the best!

I use to 'rely' on friendships and family to make me happy but there is only so much we as human beings can do for each other. Happiness comes from within. It sounds so cliche but it does. NO relationship (family, boyfriend, gf, marriage. pets etc) can 'make' you happy.

You have to have some solitude within yourself. Sure I know people and I hang out but when I'm by myself, I ALWAYS feel more at peace and I love that.
2007-08-29 2:42 am
It all depends on your mind. Yes, you can be more happy, look for interest group, volunteer activities, sports pick up new hobby. Learn to appreciate, everything, beautiful flowers, a good book, good music, beautiful senery.. etc.
2007-08-29 2:40 am
I live 2300 miles away from all that you have mentioned. i am not very happy but have no choices, so i have to deal with it.
2007-08-29 2:39 am
Yes! I was a foster kid. (I was a foster kid but now that I am older I am happy)
2007-08-29 2:31 am
Absolutely...it does not take friends OR family to complete you. Learning who you are and your likes and dislikes can be very fulfilling. Everyone needs a starting point and what better point than to nurture and grow your true self.
2007-08-29 2:29 am
I suppose not but some people prefer this existence and one cannot alter it through coercion, force or psychological manipulation. Leave it alone. It is not your place to involve yourself unless it a relative of yours.

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