Can you really trust your friends and family??

2007-08-28 7:19 pm

回答 (7)

2007-08-28 7:25 pm
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A friend? no way! The minute they know you trust them they will do you over. Depends on how close you are to your family..I rather keep what I do to myself so that way no one can ever try and rat me out or use it against me.
參考: The best kept secret is keeping it to yourself~
2007-08-29 2:24 am
I trust my mom with my life and my friends with my back.
2007-08-29 2:38 am
It's hard to say, usually you can trust your family (at least I do). However, it depends what are the personalities of you family members. Different family have different values.

Friends, it takes a while to observe whether he / she is trust worthy. It all depends, I would apprecieate, honesty, loyalty, sincerity and be there for you when you need help. In return one should do the same back to their friends.
2007-08-29 2:28 am
I don't really think so. I have quite a few friends but I don't really trust any of them. Schopenhauer once said, and I'm paraphrasing here, "never tell anyone your secrets because they will hold that over your head for the rest of your life."
2007-08-29 2:26 am
Always! At least to a certain degree. While some might give you an organ, some might risk theirs to save yours. Trust is earned not given. Its like borrowing. If I ask for a dollar from you and you say don't worry about it. Its just that a gift. I borrow $5 for Taco Bell for lunch because I forgot my wallet and I forget to pay you. Shame on me. If you have to remind me more than once. Their credit is gone with me. When it comes to money, trust, respect and following through its a big deal for me. A loan is a loan $5 or $5000.
2007-08-29 2:25 am
if you didn't, then you'd just be a lowlife with no friends or personality
2007-08-29 2:22 am
Noppppe. the only person i trust is myself <33

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