What do you do when the person your in love with is not the person your married to??

2007-08-28 6:52 pm
My ex-girlfriend and I started talking again, and all these feelings for her resurfaced. I realized what a big mistake I made by not marrying her. I have a "room-mate"relationship with my wife, and I realize that my attraction to her was because I was on the "rebound". I want to get out of my marriage, because I know that the person I want to spend the rest of my life with is either my ex-girlfriend, or someone that is very similiar to her. I understand when a person gets married they should always work things out, but what can you work out when your heart is set on someone else??

回答 (10)

2007-08-28 7:00 pm
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Nothing can stop a person when he/her wants to get out of a marriage or relationship. Talk to her openly and honestly. If it's mutual it'll be easy. Don't make things turn ugly. Any kids involved? I won't agree if there're kid(s) involve. Kids always come first. Good luck
2007-08-29 2:31 am
I think you need to remind yourself why you broke up in the first place.... I feel sorry for your wife.
2007-08-29 2:18 am
Are you a man of your word? You made a commitment to her. Stick to it. The grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side. I promise you that you married for more then just rebound. You are in a rut, instead of focusing elsewhere, redirect your attention where it belongs.
2007-08-29 1:58 am
Women get married here only for sex or because they r pregnant. Divorce and marry girl from other country.
2007-08-29 5:14 am
in the first place like you stated you got married on the rebound you wasent in love with your wife now you regreat marrying her. listen you should have not married her if you werent sure that you loved her, now you have started talking to your ex girl over the phone. listen to me please stop this before someone get really hurt. before this woman came back into your life you and your wife was together, Let it go. best of luck
2007-08-29 2:26 am
really ask your self are you happy with your life not your marriage or your ex your life an then make a decision about what you want I can understand that you fell like you should of married you ex girlfriend but at the time you say that you where on the rebound so that your mistake isn't it so at the end of the day don't go backward only go forwards know matter what you decide because you could end up getting hurt your self so just give your self some time to think.
2007-08-29 2:25 am
My advice is to stop all contact with the ex. She's obviously not everything you have made up in your mind, or she wouldn't be an ex. She'd be a current. Chances are good since she dumped you once(probably for another guy), she'll dump you again for another guy. Or if you dumped her, you had a reason. Things probably haven't changed. And, if she even cared about committment, marriage, etc., she wouldn't have butted into yours. Next, get marriage counseling and get your mind on your wife. You can get your heart set on your wife if you want to.
2007-08-29 2:07 am
Honestly? Follow your heart. I know all the women here will shoot me down but they hate me anyways, lol. Listen, life is too short to be spent being roomates with someone rather than spending it with the one you love. The most respectful thing to do is to be honest and upfront with your wife about the situation and file for divorce.
2007-08-29 2:04 am
Personally I would go be with them. I know that if I am in love with someone else that I am ripping the person off that I am with from having a full and happy life with someone else. That is what I would want for my husband to do if he loved someone other than me....I wouldn't want to live like that.
2007-08-29 1:58 am
That's what you get for talking to an ex when you are supposed to be married to another woman. I believe you are very selfish and I pity your wife. However it is not fair to her for you not to give her your all. If you don't love her then you need to let her down gently and leave before the hurt gets any worse for her.

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