Okay..so the father left the toddler in the car for 45 minutes in the heat to go buy porn...?

2007-08-28 6:40 pm
Can you believe this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe "some" guys are so infautated with sex that they need to leave their little child in the car in the heat for that long. Did you guys hear about this. I heard it on Hot 99.5 on the morning show. To look it up go to www.hot995.com keyword Kane and scroll down, he has all the stories on his page. What do you guys think about how society is so open about sex?

Someone realized the kid was in there called the police and found the window was open a little for the police officer to reach in and open the door. The child suffered from heat exhaustion...wasn't that nice for the dad to think well, since I'm going to go buy porn I might want to leave the window cracked so he can breathe....makes me sooo mad.

回答 (8)

2007-08-28 6:49 pm
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That is horrible and I'm sorry..that guy should have his child taken away from him, it really says something about his mental state if he cant wait till his kid is not around to buy porn! And leaving him in a car, he could have dehydrated, got rammed into or got kidnapped.
* any piece of **** off the street can have babies, yet a nice stable person wants to adopt and it is harder then walking on water........
2007-08-28 7:31 pm
45 minutes is a bit too long for a child to stay in the car alone. Yes i'll call the corps too, at least teach him a lesson.
2007-08-28 7:14 pm
All I can say is the person is not a real FATHER or MAN for that matter!! No reason you could possible think of is it OK to leave a child unattended in a car!! Hot or not! Your child should mean more to you than porn or anything else!!!

Some people should not have kids!!!
2007-08-28 6:51 pm
I hope they have taken that child away from him!!!
Put him in a hot car for 45 mins and see how he likes it!
2007-08-28 6:46 pm
its against the law to leave a child in the car for that long.
2007-08-28 6:45 pm
leaving a child in a hot car for anything for any amount of time is unbelievable
2016-07-20 11:08 pm
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2007-08-28 11:50 pm
thats quite pathehic......just to leave their child in a hot car is patheitc enough but for porn thats despicable

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