why don't you speak English?

2007-08-28 6:25 pm
people say that a lot, and I'm just wondering why, because I know that they aren't trying to learn other languages, or become bilingual which would show more intelligence on their part, so if someone speaks broken English at least they are trying to learn it aside of their own language so give them a break!

回答 (11)

2007-08-28 6:46 pm
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Check this out. I get crap because I don't speak my ancestors language. I am third generation here in America and most of my people who don't speak English gives me crap for not being able to translate....We are in America!!!!
2007-08-29 1:48 am
To put it simply: Many people are ignorant and intolerant of people not like them.

I believe that if you don't speak the "national" language, that you should at least make an attempt. I think that's reasonable; I would do the same if I moved to another country. Unfortunately, many people take that idea to the extreme: that you should know everything or go home. If somebody's trying, I don't fault them one bit.

English is simple to those who grow up with it, but it's actually more complicated than many other languages. And since many of America's younger population can't speak or write it very well either, thanks to our ever impressive education system, it's even harder for someone learning it as a second language. Bravo to those who try, and more so for those who succeed!
2007-09-06 1:05 am
Some people feel that people in this country should learn English. People forget this country was formed as a haven for all immigrants from oppressed lands. How far we have gotten from our founding fathers intent.
2007-09-05 7:55 am
Just do your best and ignore those crude remarks.
I wonder how they would feel if they had to learn your native tongue and struggled?I wish I was bilingual.Especially spanish.It would help at the store.
2007-08-29 2:18 am
I understand you completely. It's a good beginning that you're not scared and you try to speak the language. I used to learn (British) English and I still remembered when I asked for a "rubber" instead of eraiser in class, the guy stared at me for a long time and finally asked if I want an eraiser. I would said "she's ill" instead of "she's sick" and a lot of on going examples, people think i'm weird. I finally spend a whole winter vacation forcing myself to listening to radio and watching TV, I copy and repeat what they said, these are the best place to pickup the language.
2007-08-29 1:45 am
Let them think or say like that. Remember, the baby does not start walking immediately after it is born. You take your own time instead of getting desperate about it. And please, please do not relate it with being more intelligent. Intelligence has a very abstract meaning. A totally illiterate person could also be an intelligent person ! Language, including English is nothing but one of the ways of communicating with each other. So more than the IQ, it is EQ that matters more these days ! OK?
2007-08-29 1:39 am
yah its really stupid...
my native language i guess thats what you would call is english but i am trying to learn another language and i know its hard
2007-08-29 1:31 am
yeah, especially if that is not their native language
2007-08-29 1:37 am
If you are a guest in another country or are moving there, you cannot expect the whole country to accommodate you by learning your language. It is only proper and necessary for you to learn theirs. This applies to someone who speaks English going to a nonEnglish speaking country too.
2007-08-29 1:43 am
what do you call someone who speaks 2 languages? billingual

what do you call someone who speaks one language? american

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