Avril Lavigne 一問

2007-08-29 7:20 am
其實Avril Lavigne 原來o既 瞳孔同頭髮顏色係點嫁?
Nobody's Home o既 黑色頭髮女仔係唔係Avril 本人?

回答 (4)

2007-08-31 6:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Avril Lavigne 頭髮係金色,


Nobody's Home 係Avril 本人~
佢5係染髮, 只係戴假髮~
喺Girlfriend 果個 MV 都係 =]
*Avril自己喺 Yahoo Music講

hope I can help u~ ^^

2007-08-31 10:47:43 補充:
sorry~ 我都冇Avril小時候相片 =[
2007-08-29 8:39 am
avril doesnt have black hair, she is a burnnet and she has greenish hazel eyes, and about the baby pics... i dont think theres any on the net

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