我想問harry potter第一集書既大綱同埋主角人物既性格(系要英文)

2007-08-29 6:41 am


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2007-08-29 6:50 am
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Harry Potter

J. K.羅琳 ,本名喬安‧凱瑟琳‧羅琳(Joanne Kathleen Rowling),一九六七年出生於英國。在家排行老大,從小就立志成為作家。一九九○年一趟由曼徹斯特前往倫敦的火車旅行中,『哈利波特』咻地闖進了她的生命。一九九七年《哈利波特》第一集在英國出版。之後,《哈利波特》狂潮就如一場熱病席捲全球。預計出版七集的哈利波特系列,全球銷售量已超過一億二千三百萬冊,並將陸續改編拍成電影。


哈利波特 Harry Potter

榮恩 Ron Weasley

妙麗 Hermione Granger

張秋 Cho Chang

阿不思 .鄧不利多 Albus Dumbledore
參考: me
2007-09-03 3:36 am
Book 1 - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Shortly before Harry's eleventh birthday, he receives a letter addressed specifically to him. He is visited by an enormous man named Hagrid who bursts through the locked door of the hut. With Hagrid holding the Dursleys at bay, Harry finally reads his letter, in which he learns he has been invited to study magic at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The next day Harry and Hagrid leave the hut and head to Diagon Alley in London . Harry enters the wizarding world for the first time, learns to his surprise that he is famous, and meets the new Hogwarts Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quirrell. He takes the train to Hogwarts from Platform Nine and three-quarters, befriending Ron Weasley, and meeting Neville Longbottom and Hermione Granger, a Muggle-born witch.

Harry Potter is the central character of the Harry Potter books and their subsequent movie and game adaptations. Only child of the powerful wizards James and Lily Potter, he was orphaned shortly after his birth when the very evil wizard Voldemort killed both of Harry's parents. For some unknown reason Voldemort was unable to inflict upon the infant Harry the fate which befell his parents. The evil wizard's attempt on Harry's life not only failed, but also somehow reflected onto Voldemort, leaving him powerless and nearly dead. It is likely that had the wizard been less thoroughly embroiled in the Dark Arts, he would not have survived at all. After that night, most of the wizarding world believed Voldemort dead. No victim of Voldemort had ever escaped with their lives, and so Harry Potter became famous throughout the magical community as The Boy Who Lived.

Apart from being Harry Potter's bumbling sidekick, Ron Weasley is also Harry's refuge from the world of number 4 Privet Drive. The Burrow, residence of the Weasley family, is like some kind of haven to which Harry is stolen away more than once. Ron is perhaps Harry's closest link to the wizarding world, and as such is an important source of general information on things magically mundane. Ron is arguably Harry's greatest friend, as shown by the Mermen taking him to the bottom of the lake in the second test of the Triwizard Tournament. Ron is a great Quidditch fan, and is very scared of spiders.
Ron meets Harry on their first journey aboard the Hogwarts express, after Ron's mother shows Harry the way through to platform 9 3/4. The two end up sharing a carriage, and strike up a lasting friendship. Ron proves his worth at the end of the first year, when Harry, Hermione and Ron are trying to defend the Philosopher's Stone from Voldemort as he sacrifices himself to win the giant chess match and get Harry and Hermione on to the next task.

Hermione Granger
Hermione Granger is one of Harry's closest friends, and a valuable member of Gryffindor house. Top of almost every class, Hermione has few contemporary equals in terms of sheer magical knowledge. Since both of her parents are muggles, dentists in fact, her exceptional skill at spellcraft is interesting. It is probably due in most part to her extremely studious nature and natural academic brilliance. In any case, were it not for Hermione's ability to effectively recall exactly the right charm at the right time, and solve puzzles like the nature of the Basilisk, Harry would likely have been a goner long ago.
When Hermione first arrived at Hogwarts, and met Harry and Ron on the train, she was something of an insufferable know it all. Before long, however, she became drawn into the events surrounding the Philosopher's Stone and decided a little rulebending to be needed in order to fit in at school. She tends to feel that if they can battle Voldemort, and stay alive without breaking any school rules, then they should make their best efforts to do so.
參考: 網絡
2007-08-30 1:20 am
參考: wikipedia

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