水晶crystal growing幫下手喇!!

2007-08-29 5:40 am


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2007-08-30 2:46 am
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Chapter 12, page 7

Experiments in Growing Crystals
Kitchen chemistry is fun for science projects and learning. Here's how to grow your own crystals and cave formations. If you are a kid, get an adult to help you. If you are an adult, get a kid to help you.
Grow Alum Crystals
You will need:

One ounce of alum (you can buy alum in the grocery store in the spice section. It is used for making pickles crispy. An ounce is about 2 1/2 tablespoons, but you won't need all of it, just what will dissolve in the solution)
1/2 cup hot water from the faucet, not boiling water
sewing thread or nylon thread (cotton is easier to tie, but will grow crystals along its length, nylon won't)
2 clean jars or cups
a spoon for stirring
a popcicle stick, flat plastic knife, or pencil to suspend your crystal
coffee filter to act as a dust cover

Step 1.
Add the alum slowly to the cup of hot water. Stir in all the alum that the water will dissolve, not the whole ounce. Cover loosely with the coffee filter to keep out dust. Let the cup sit overnight.
Step 2.
On the next day, pour the alum water into the other empty cup. A few chunks or crystals of solid alum will have formed in the bottom of the jar. These pieces will be your "seeds" to start the new crystal. Tie a piece of thread around the largest, best formed crystal, and then tie the other end of the thread to the middle of the stick. A slip knot works well, and tying the knot on the crystal is the hardest part of this whole procedure. Suspend the seed in the alum water, with the stick resting across the jar of solution. The seed should dangle in the alum water. Cover loosely with the coffee filter.
Step 3.
Look at your experiment a couple of times a day. What is happening? If crystals start forming in the bottom of your jar of solution, remove your stick and carefully pour or spoon the alum water into another clean jar, being very careful not to let the crystals on the bottom get into your other jar. They will also act as seeds, and will keep your big crystal from growing.

2007-09-02 10:59:02 補充:
yahoo 已經有這個翻譯服務,可以是 copy 整篇文章翻譯,更可以是整個網站翻譯呢 ~ 如果你有裝 yahoo的工具列,那個魚形按鈕便是 !
2007-09-14 7:31 pm
我種咗兩年已成功, step 1:有兩個膠盒,大的沒有蓋(ml)倒40ml熱水,將1/2包水晶粉加埋入去(記住留返半包),然後搞暈,直至見唔到有粒粒,再等d水灘涷. step 2:將細的有蓋盒仔打開,放一粒石頭入盒仔,倒晒頭先搞暈果d水入個盒仔內,之前剩餘半包水晶粉,倒滿整個盒底. step 3:封實盒蓋,放回原先已有的大盒, 存放約一段時期後,而且盒內的水全蒸發才完成.

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