
2007-08-29 3:36 am
Louis' s sister put her money in the bank. If the interest rate is 16﹪ p.a., she can get a total of $660 from her account after 2 years. How much did she put in the bank?

回答 (4)

2007-08-29 3:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let $y be the money she put in the bank,

y x 16% x 2 + y = 660
0.32 y + y =660
1.32 y = 660
y = 500

Therefore, she put $500 in the bank.

2007-08-28 23:20:53 補充:
To the people below...It is not mentioned that we need to calculate the compounded interest. Therefore, we should calculate it with simple interest.Thanks.
參考: =]
2007-08-29 4:57 am
Let's y be the money that she put in the bank.


calculate by your self , see whether it's right or wrong.(by calculator)>(oo)

2007-08-28 20:58:04 補充:
2007-08-29 3:46 am
The money that she put in the bank
= $660 / ( 1 + 2 x 16%) (calculation based on simple interest)
= $500
2007-08-29 3:44 am
Let the money is Y:
Y x (1+16%)^2 = 660
Y x 1.16^2 = 660
Y x 1.3456 = 660
Y = 660 / 1.3456
Y = 490.49
參考: ME

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