english of 不平等條約

2007-08-29 2:28 am
english of 不平等條約

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2007-08-29 2:35 am
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Unequal Treaties (不平等條約)




[編輯] 性質
不平等條約是與平等條約相對而言。 平等條約一般是指簽約各主權國家在平等互利的前提下,自願商定的權利義務對等的條約。而不平等條約是指最後締結的條約,對各方的權利和義務並不對等。最常見造成這情況的原因是其中一方(或多方)使用了武力或威脅使用武力強壓另外一方(即強加條約)。但亦有人認為,不平等條約的締結不一定牽涉武力,只要是條約內容是對各方並不對等即可。在這擴大的定義之下,不平等條約可以包括以下各種情況:




[編輯] 與強加條約的分辨

不平等條約(Unequal Treaty)和強加條約(Imposed Treaty)是兩個類似的概念,都是關於在武力脅迫下簽署的條約的名詞。強加條約的概念出現較早,西方的法學自十八、十九世紀即開始出現類似的概念。不平等條約的稱謂則是中國國民黨於1920年代提出的,最初用來指西方與滿清及北洋政府所薟署的一系列條約。後來不平等條約的概念逐漸發展,在國際上亦有被其他國家使用。但現在法學上對何謂不平等條約還是沒有很明確的定論。有些人認為不平等是指締造條約的手段使用了武力或脅迫而造成不平等。這種定義下,不平等條約基本上是等同強加條約。但亦有些意見認為不平等條約是指條約的性質屬於不平等,因此可能是在更多不同的情況下造成,而涵蓋亦更廣泛。

Unequal Treaties, is a term used in reference to the type of treaties signed by several East Asian states, including Qing Dynasty China, late Tokugawa Japan, and late Joseon Korea, with Western powers and Imperial Japan, during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This was a period during which these Asian states were largely unable to resist the military and economic pressures from foreign powers.

The earliest attempt to come to a settlement was the 1841 Convention of Chuenpeh in the wake of the First Opium War that started in 1839. China and Great Britain signed the first unequal treaties under the Treaty of Nanking in 1842. Following Qing China's defeat, treaties with Britain opened up several ports to foreign trade, while also allowing Christians to reside. In addition, the administration of justice on foreign residents in the port cities were afforded trials by their own consular authorities rather than the Chinese legal system, a concept termed extraterritoriality.

Although the term "Unequal treaty" did not come into use until early in the 20th century, many Chinese considered the treaties unequal since the foreign powers did not reciprocate most of China's concessions with similar privileges. In many cases China was effectively forced to pay large amounts of reparations, open up ports for trade, cede or lease territories (such as Hong Kong to Great Britain), and make various other concessions of sovereignty to foreign "spheres of influence", following humiliating military defeats.

When the United States Commodore Matthew Perry forced open Japan in 1854, Japan was soon prompted to sign treaties that were similar treaties to the ones China had signed and the same thing soon happened to Korea. Ironically, Korea's first unequal treaties were not with the West but with Japan, which, taking a page from Western tactics, had forced Korea to open its doors to foreign commerce in 1876.
2007-08-29 2:34 am
不平等條約ge英文應該係the Scramble for Concessions,不過我唔係太肯定,已經係好耐之前學,不過希望help到你
2007-08-29 2:31 am
an unequal treaty

2007-08-31 22:09:04 補充:
The Treaty of Nanjing 南京條約The Convention of Beijing 北京條約The Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory 展拓香港界址專條

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