
2007-08-28 11:16 pm
Do you receive the email & Do you received the email.Which one is correct.

回答 (3)

2007-08-28 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Do you receive the email

用Do 或 Did 做問題的句首 跟住個 verb 係用 present tense

問 Do you receive the email
答 Yes, I receive the email

問 Did you receive ...
答 Yes, I received ...

如果用 have 或者 had 問問題呢, 跟住個 verb 係用 participal

問 Have/Had you received the email
答 Yes, I have/had received the email
2007-08-28 11:23 pm
'Did you receive the email?'
2007-08-28 11:20 pm
不過我會咁問: Did you rec'd the e-mail

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