我想各位幫我translate下面句野~!!有關rather than 的用法

2007-08-28 11:16 pm

<--How to translate it in english?

also ,Does anyone tell me anything about the use of "rather than"??


回答 (5)

2007-08-28 11:53 pm
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I would like to cry inside a Rolls-Royce rather than ride a bicycle happily.

RATHER THAN is similar to AND NOT / INSTEAD OF. You also can use RATHER THAN to indicate your preferences.

For example,
(1) I decide to stay at home rather than play basketball. (home OR basketball)

(2) Rather than buy a new car, I have kept my old one. (new car OR old car)

(3) Rather than take a cab or taxi, she is going on foot. (taxi OR on foot)

PS: PREFER TO + RATHER THAN is not a must.

2007-08-28 15:54:41 補充:
Please don't use RATHER RATHER THAN
2007-08-29 2:07 am
I would rather cry in the Rolls Royce than ride a bicycle unhappily.

通常用rather ....... than時,兩樣取捨的事物是對等的。
例如:I would rather have an apple than an orange. 開始部份 I would rather have(我寧願有)接著便是你選擇的an apple, than 後面便是你較不喜歡的an orange. 留意 an apple 和an orange 是對等的詞語,都是名詞。(由於要選擇的have an apple 或 have an orange,兩者都是用have 開始,所以後者的have 可省去)
而 I would rather cry in the Rolls Royce than ride a bicycle unhappily.中的cry in the Rolls Royce 和 ride a bicycle unhappily 也是對等的,都是行動。由於動詞的組成承接著would, 所以要用 cry 和 ride。
I/He/She/ They would rather............... than ............是基本的使用結構。
2007-08-29 12:30 am
首先要說明”rather than”也有好幾種用法,
I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold; I'd rather be His than have riches untold.
I'd rather cry in a Rolls-Royce than happily ride a bike.
而另外一個用法,就是rather than連在一起用,如Cambridge Dictionary也有一例
I think I'd like to stay at home this evening rather than go out.(我想我情願留在家中)
I'd like to cry in a Rolls-Royce rather than happily ride a bike.

希望你能掌握到rather than的用法!

2007-08-28 11:44 pm

I rather sobbing in a Rolls-Royce rather than riding on a bicycle happily.
參考: SELF
2007-08-28 11:27 pm
I prefer to crying into the Rolls-Royce, rather than riding the bicycle happily

Rather than 好多會同 Prefer to 一起使用; 前者有否定的含意, 而後者則是正面的
參考: myself

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