
2007-08-28 8:44 pm
"你找少o左兩蚊比我" and "你找少o左錢比我" 英文點講?我想要最native 既講法。

回答 (4)

2007-08-28 11:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"你找少o左兩蚊比我" and "你找少o左錢比我" 英文點講?我想要最native 既講法。

The change is two dollars short ! 十分正宗, 但在找錢當時你不須說change這字.
It's two dollars short , man! 應是最native.

The change is short! 找少錢, 一點沒錯.
參考: SELF
2007-08-28 11:25 pm
Excuse me, the change you have given to me is two dollars less.

Please double check it.
參考: 我自己試過~
2007-08-28 10:17 pm
"the change is two dollars short !" and " the change is short !" 唔順口, 唔够 native.

You still owe me two dollars on the change.

The change is not enough.
參考: me
2007-08-28 9:41 pm
You have given me two fewer dollars in change.
The change does not seem to be enough.

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