Why ionic compounds and covalent compounds are not ductile a

2007-08-28 6:09 pm
1. Why ionic compounds and covalent compounds are not ductile and malleable?

2. Why atom cannot be destroyed? Is atom an energy?


回答 (2)

2007-08-28 6:40 pm
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ans1 :
It is because ionic compounds and covalent compounds do not have a sea of electrons.
Ions in ionic compound are held by the electrostatic force between cations and anions and that in covalent compounds are between positive nucleus and negative electrons,
If we hammer their compounds, they will be broken since all their electostatic force is destoryed.

Atom cannot be destroyed but atom can be created. Thus, atom is not a form of energy.
(energy cannot be created,nor destoryed)
The basic unit of a atom are : nucleus , electrons, neutrons. The number of them are varies and thus form different atoms.Scientist can create atom in the lab by adding the number of necleus. Also known as necleuic experiment.
參考: a book read years ago
2007-08-30 7:52 am
2.i have heard a theory that matters are all that can converse to be energy.
the formular of the theory: E= mc2 (where c is a constant, m is the mass of the matter,and E is the energy which given out by matter all conversing to energy)

By this theory,all matters can be created from energy or destroyed to be form of energy.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:09:29
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