
2007-08-28 1:23 pm
Topic: "Because so much information is available on the Internet today, traditional secondary schools and teachers are no longer neccesary" Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

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回答 (1)

2007-08-28 4:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Topic: "Because so much information is available on the Internet today, traditional secondary schools and teachers are no longer necessary" Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Are secondary schools unnecessary today? My reply is certain.

"No!" Schools do have its value, both in the knowledge aspect and the school-life aspect.

On the first part of the statement, it says that there is so much information available on the Internet. Although it is correct, there is a loop hole to it. Let us compare the traditional method of "teacher-teaching" with the suggested method of "internet-self-learning". The traditional method requires a teacher who has limited knowledge while the suggested method consists of unlimited information; therefore, the suggested method seems more powerful. However, information from the internet may not be certified, so who can insure the Internet is helpful and correct. Everyone can write and publish onto the Internet no matter right or wrong, on the other hand, teachers are approved. Students are worth to be taught by teachers for they are educated, but the information that flows around the internet is not certainly correct. Therefore, the knowledge gotten from the Internet may be wrong, but the chance decreases if they are from a teacher. That is a guaranteed confidence for parents and students.

Moreover, there are other reasons for schools. Students talk, laugh, play, and learn at school; they interact with each other and teachers. Not only do they learn how to interact with people, they learn how to manage their emotions, cooperate with others and discipline themselves. So, do not underestimate this! These are the basics in the society, good relations with others and good behaviors are necessary. Truly, these skills can only grow in schools and not at homes. If students learn through the Internet, the only thing they will interact with is their computer. And if people live in a world with only technologies, they will not be able to interact with others when they face a situation as such. Thus, school is not only for students to study, but also to learn how to interact with the world.

Furthermore, secondary schools are a very special stage of the studying life. Besides the art, there are lots of jobs and positions of clubs waiting for students to join. You may say they are also available at the university, but I am telling you they are two different things. The secondary schools are only an opening, a preview. Students can feel free to seek help from the teachers, and they will do so willingly. This is a happy demonstration for the future. If students receive jobs without any assistance so suddenly, they will fail and lose temper. Thus, the secondary schools are a good start that leads toward the adult life.

Besides the majority, there are minor things in school but not at home; for example, the physical education and group gatherings. Those lead students to build up a healthy lifestyle. Surely, sit on the chair and stare at the monitor is a torture, but go to school and enjoy the school life is a pressure.

Obviously, there is no doubt of the necessity of secondary school, is there?

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