Paris Hotel le 9Hotel

2007-08-28 10:03 am
May I know if anyone has stayed in the 9Hotel in Paris before?

Is it in a `safe` district?

and anything i need to pay attention when travelling alone in Paris? Thanks in advance!!

Le 9Hotel
14, rue Papillon

回答 (2)

2007-08-29 12:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
The comment of the hotel is only based on its location, for the service, since I haven't stayed there, I cannot make any comment.
This hotel is located in the heart of Paris. It's only around 10 - 15 minutes walk from either Gare du Nord (Eurostar terminal) or department stores area (of course you can travel by metro as well). It's very convienent. Area is not to slient, but obviously not dangerous. If you think the room tariff is acceptable, you can consider this hotel.
Actually travelling alone in Paris is not as dangerous or horrible as people imagine. Thieves are everywhere in the world. Compared with Shenzhen, Paris should be quite safe already.
Please refer to this link, you can have more information:
參考: living in Paris for a year before + travel experience

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