希望能請現職GE 機師(當然唔係都得LA)可以答我問題

2007-08-28 9:24 am
本人係澳門人...16 years-old....想做機師...我見到澳洲戈間UNSW有得讀(仲有邊度有得讀?因為我見到UNSW真係好貴),佢話有得讀埋ATPL,but就算讀完都係FROZEN...想問下有咩方法可以貯飛行時間可以解凍 OR 有冇方法可以直接入AIRLINE再貯飛行時間...因為我見到AIRLINE 請人都寫住AT LEAST 2000 HRS 飛行時間....其實仲有好多問題...可唔可以留低MSN or Mail 等我再問下你地....THANKS!!

回答 (1)

2007-08-29 3:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
U can go to Cathay Pacific and interview(they say only Hong Kong resident,u may try it)and u need to over 18 years old.You must be at least 1.6m tall, be physically fit, and possess an excellent command of English. The minimum educational standards we require are:
The minimum educational standards we require are:

5 passes in HKCEE / GCSE (O Level), including Physics and Mathematics, together with 2 passes in HKAL / GCE A Level, preferably in Science OR
a Degree or Diploma in any discipline (or the equivalent educational standard obtained overseas)
Or u may try 中国南方航空

I am from Hong Kong
give ur msn to me

2007-08-28 19:29:41 補充:
they have the 本地飛行員培訓計劃
參考: www.cathaypacific.com and me

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