money order 即係咩呢?

2007-08-28 8:26 am
quote from
"at this time we can only accept payment in the form of a money order, US
dollars only."

回答 (3)

2007-08-28 9:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
「money order」係「現金支票」~
你可以到 銀行 透過「現金」買一張「money order」~
佢同「personal check」唔同,因為「personal check」裏面可能冇錢;
但「money order」係已經付錢,由銀行轉換給賣家。

(At this time, we can only accept payment in the form of a money order, US dollars only.)

2007-08-28 21:15:37 補充:
money order == 匯票 (not 現金支票) my bad.cashier's check == 銀行本票personal check == 個人支票
參考: 我都有買過
2007-08-28 8:51 pm
Money Order = 銀行本票
2007-08-28 8:33 am
money order 即係咩呢?

即係現錢, 仲要先錢後貨.
A money order is a payment order for a pre-specified amount of money. It is a more trusted method of payment than a personal check, because it is required that the funds be prepaid for the amount shown on it. Merchants (who may have no recourse in the event that a regular bank check may bounce) may welcome the extra security that being paid with a money order may offer.

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