I'm preg, and the father lost his mom 3 months ago....(I'm confused)?

2007-08-27 6:38 pm
I will make this brief. I'm less than 2 months preg. and I told the father (we were just seeing eachother) about it and he was not happy at all. I know it was the fault of both of us, and we're both adults too (he's 31 and im 20). The problem is that he's very stressed out because he lost his mom back in May and he lost his job around the same time too, plus all the family left and he will need to sell the house and move to his cousin's house. He don't tell me exactly to get rid of the baby, but he tells me that it's too hard for him, and will be hard for me and the kid as well; especially because there's nothing he can offer and because of hose depressed he is. Well, I talk to him and everything and he will never mention or ask me anything about how I am doing with the pregnancy or nothing, as if he would forget about it. If I say something about it, he will say that he will talk about it later. I do feel bad because I wouldn't like to pressure him,but don't know what to do

回答 (6)

2007-08-27 6:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
if he don't want it & it will be to hard for you to raise a child by your self, just abort it
2007-08-27 6:47 pm
Well, right now the decision is yours. Yes, he fathered the child, but unfortunately rightt now, he's given you how he feels. Now the option is yours, you can abort the baby, something that is very hard and may or may not be the righ decision for you because of the emotional toll it will take. OR you can keep the baby and have to take the responsibility that you will have to devote your life to this child, which also will be hard. I'm sorry, but his excuses aren't valid to me. Yes, it was mistake, but it happened. He will have to support your child whether he wants to or not. It may make life harder for him, but you will be the one primarily taking care of the child. You really need to sit down and think about all of these decisions. A baby will change your life, now you have to figure out, if you will be responsible and care for this child with or without the help of this man or abort the baby and move on.

My prayers are will you as you decide this hard situation.
2016-10-09 8:13 pm
you would be a mom! it is the main interesting factor interior the international. And being a father is amazingly particular, too. i'm specific your bf misses his mom, yet he's now responsible for sparkling existence getting into the international. i'm specific his mom could have had to determine her grandchild and could be upset in him if he would not assist you and the infant. If he's depressed, he can bypass get some counseling, yet like it or no longer he has a accountability to HIS toddler. you don't get an abortion and kill a fetus in basic terms by using fact it is inconvenient or it would not fit in alongside with your existence plans. (i'm professional-decision, yet i've got self assurance that the only reason you get an abortion is that if the mum's well-being relies upon on it, or you have been raped.) Your infant is on the way...your bf will ought to pay toddler help and %. up his existence and locate a thank you to handle it. If he's not attracted to the type you're doing impressive now, it is 'reason he hasn't seen an ultrasound yet or heard a heartbeat. it is not as genuine to him because it is to you. as quickly as you experience that infant flow interior you, you are able to enable your bf experience it flow, too. tell that bf which you're having his infant and he is going to be a father. He needs to do besides the fact that he needs to do too insure he can help the infant (if no longer you) and bypass to the toddler after it is born. risk is, in case you had a reliable courting in the previous, he could come around as quickly as he sees his son or daughter. God bless you. It heavily isn't confusing to your toddler. He/she will have an incredible mom and his father would be paying toddler help (you will get a courtroom order, if mandatory, to stress that) .
2007-08-27 7:10 pm
I apologize it may sounds a bit religious, but it's really how I feel. "Life" is a gift from god, many people want to have a kid and they could not so I don't agree with abortion. You can give birth to the kid and leave it to the hospital, fire department or church if you really don't want it or even give it some couples who want to adpot it.

If you decided to keep the baby you need to be fully responsible for him / her, it's a long hard way if you do it by yourself but everyday when you see you own baby grow it's just beautiful, it's some experienced that you'll never know until you're really into it...

It's a lot of things that's going on with the father right now, it maybe a bit too much for him right now but if he's a good person, he'll come around. Sometimes I don't understand man too, when I have my daughter, her daddy wasn't really excited about it at all, it seems so many things is up in his mind.. I guess "finance" is the key concerned. But I'm determine, after he saw his daughter, he just love her, more than his own life I think. Ha ha.
2007-08-27 6:53 pm
Girl I would just forget him for now. When you get closer to having the baby (if that is what you decide to do and are planning on keeping it then I would give him a call to see how he was doing and tell hm how you are doing. Then the ball is in his court.

Don't force him to be around if he doesn't want to be because it'll just make things harder and more stressful for all three of you.
2007-08-27 6:48 pm
Well while it is sad that all this stuff has happened in his life at the same time he made a decision, as well as you, to have sex. now it is not his choice what you do with the baby. if you want to have it have it. if not dont (Im not one to preach about how abortion is against god). if you decide to have it then its yours and his choice whether you two are going to be together to raise this child. if not then he needs to pay child support. there are consequences to having sex and once you make the decision to do it you assume the consequenses. so the question should not be what does he want you to do or what do we(Y/A users) think you should do. it should be what do you want to do? this is your choice. not anyone elses. good luck and I hope this helped out a little.

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