Is Cho Chang from Harry Potter series evil?

2007-08-27 8:04 am

回答 (11)

2007-08-27 8:10 am
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No. She's a confused teen girl just like a million other confused teen girls. Other than the fact that her first boyfriend died, which made her even more confused, she's a very stereotypical character.

Warning: Spoiler

If you're getting this from the fact that she betrayed the location of the secret location they met in for the "DA", which happened in the most recent movie, that is totally inaccurate! In the book, it was her friend that she "dragged" to the meetings who betrayed the secret. The movie totally twisted and ruined her character! The worst thing she ever did was trust her friend.
2007-08-27 10:22 am
No, poor Cho just didn't know how to love people very easily... I mean she got clumsy about things. She ended up in a good couple with _____ so I think Rowling meant her to be happy in the end. She wasn't at all evil.
2007-08-27 8:09 am
noe and would have been a nice ummm piece of work lol if hed stayed with her.
2007-08-27 8:07 am

Heck i think Harry missed out on something good when he went with Ginny
2016-04-02 1:15 pm
*All the way through, maybe about 2-3 times. I've read a few of the earlier ones more times. *It's a tie between the Prisoner of Azkaban and the Deathly Hallows. *The Chamber of Secrets. I didn't dislike it, necessarily, I just liked it less than the other six. *Tie between the Philosopher's Stone and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (it surprised me with how accurate it was). *The Prisoner of Azkaban, and only because it's the only one I actually remember after the first two and besides the most recent one. What really bugged me about it was how the layout of the ground just suddenly changed from the first two. *Either Sirius (he was aweome) or Malfoy (I felt kinda bad for him...). *Dolores Umbridge (she was kind of a b*tch) and, to a certain extent, Harry (he started to get really annoying in the fifth book). *I have absolutely no idea. But according to some random quiz that I just took I'm Hermione. *Maybe one of the twins just because they're funny.
2007-08-27 4:29 pm
no she's just a confused teenage girl with an unlucky path in front of her
2007-08-27 8:20 am
No. Just unlucky.
2007-08-27 8:08 am
Where'd you get that idea?

I never like Cho Chang even when Harry fancied her, but I don't think she's evil.
2007-08-27 8:22 am
yyup, she stold harry potter fr me. hee hee
2007-08-27 8:11 am
Cho Chang is the most asian name I've ever heard...I mean c'mon, Cho Chang, Ching Chong?

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