
2007-08-28 6:35 am
佢咁樣讚我:「You make me sick! What's wrong with you? You're a jerk! Who do you think you are? What's your problem? I hate you! You're crazy! Are you insane? Don't bother me. Get lost. You piss me off. Cut it out. You stupid jerk! You have a lot of nerve. I'm fed up. I can't take it anymore. I've had enough of your garbage. Shut up! What do you want? Do you know what time it is? What were you thinking? You are out of your mind.....

……. You make me so mad. Drop dead. F_uck off. You are a pain in the ass. You bastard! Get over yourself. You are nothing to me. Get off my back. Who do you think you are talking to? I am about to explode ... ...


......What a stupid idiot! I am not going to put up with this! That is terrible. I wish I had never met you. You are a disgrace. Do not nag me! I am sick of it. Stop screwing around! Mind your own business! You are just a good for nothing bum......


......I loathe you! I detest you! Get the hell out of here! You cannot do anything right! You are impossible. Get away from me! Get out of my life. You are a joke! You have ruined everything......


......I cannot take you any more! I am telling you for the last time! I could kill you! Do not push me ! Enough is enough!」 有冇人幫我翻譯番? 因為我唔知佢讚我乜野. 不過我都好開心. ^_^

回答 (6)

2007-08-28 6:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
佢話愛你愛到佢發燒,你都算一個好人 無咩錯 。又問你覺得自己點,有時有d 野唔洗問人,自己可以解決 ,你係一表人才,有d 問題唔洗問佢,自己可以搞掂


2008-04-15 6:15 pm
2008-02-21 1:12 am
2007-09-07 12:09 pm
2007-08-28 4:48 pm
you shouldn't be happy about it... he's totally cussin you out.

so there is really no point for me to translate this for you unless you really wanna know what hes bit.chin at you bout
2007-08-28 7:26 am
佢唔係讚你- -"佢成遍文都係到鬧你,,
I hate you! <<姐係話佢好憎你...
What's wrong with you<<你有咩病呀?
Who do you think you are talking<<你以為你同緊邊個講野?
I wish I had never met you<<我希望我從來都冇見過你..
You cannot do anything right!<<你冇做過任何野係岩ge
I am telling you for the last time!<<我講你聽最後一次!
I could kill you!<<我可以殺左你..
Shut up!<<收聲
What do you want?<<你想做咩?
Do you know what time it is?<<你知唔知而+咩時間呀!
What were you thinking?你唸緊乜???

參考: 我

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