English Grammar 問題

2007-08-28 3:40 am
1.Grammar 係研究文法既學科名定指語言本身的rule?

2.Note that the word grammar has two meanings here.
加個here 有咩意思?

3.How about you? 這句中, 點沒有verb 都得?

回答 (1)

2007-08-28 4:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Grammar 是指語言的文法規定。在語言學中,grammar通常會被分拆為syntax(句子結構)和structural semantics(結構性字義)。
2. Here 在句中解作「在該句或之前的一句」。
3. 因為這並非是一句完整句子,用了省略法,是說話的用法。
John, would you like to go to watch a movie?
Mary, how about you? = Mary, would you also like to go to watch a movie?

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