NDS Lite既問題

2007-08-28 2:32 am
我有一個妹妹, 現在只有一部NDS Lite, 家人正準備買多一部, 應該買比妹妹定係我呢?
-依家個部深藍色, 我鐘意綠/銀, 妹鐘意粉紅
-去邊度買好D, 要行貨, 最好平D
-邊度有的買X合一果D game/card?
-依家個game係"SLOT-2"果度入, 係唔係正貨?
-支筆好鈍, 點算?
-可唔可以download D game嫁? 點down嫁?

"SLOT-2&;quot;-----SLOT-2 'SLOT-1'--------SLOT-1 -downLOad無路無犯法嫁??-----downLOad係唔係犯法嫁?

回答 (2)

2007-08-28 2:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
downLOad無路有犯法!! 我係女生的,我有部NDS ,仲有部PSP. 如果NDS架話,粉紅/深藍色... ok la !! 銀/綠... 我一定買 (銀) because綠 唔係好買係得靚..... ///// 支筆我唔買,because好容易old/// << 支筆唔買係得,買係得架>>

粉紅/深藍... 唔係好平... $ 600~1000 (小,大)

銀/綠好平... $ 100~600 ( 小,中,大)

2007-08-27 18:49:31 補充:
我like 粉紅+銀 !!!
參考: me
2007-08-28 2:43 am
the old one give to your sisiter

you use the new one

buy black

i think black is the most beautiful and the coolest

everywhere also near $1000

don't buy game

use R4

Put the SD card in the memory stick

then downloan on the net


use the pen they give you

no sharp pen

it will destroy the NDS

I don't know what is SLOT 1 or SLOT 2

i think black is the most beautiful and the coolest
參考: me

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