點解我去 D 舖頭用 VISA 買o野嘅時候,佢哋要收我手續費嘅呢 ?????

2007-08-28 2:14 am
D 手續費係比邊個,

回答 (2)

2007-09-02 9:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案


信用卡中心(收單銀行)只會向一般商戶(名店除外)收取約2.50%之手續費,該手續費部份會由信用卡國際組織(如VISA International及MasterCard International)收取,其餘則由信用卡中心收取,大部份信用卡中心在與商戶簽訂合約時,合約內文均列明有關手續費不能轉嫁於卡主(顧客),雖則如此,仍有部份商戶會於當眼處寫明,如以信用卡付款,均另收取3%手續費,在你情我願下,只有照付(或到另一店舖購物或以易辦事/現金付款),但閣下仍可向發卡銀行投訴有關商戶的,發卡銀行便會將有關投訴轉交有關收單銀行跟進,但閣下仍需支付有關簽帳。

參考: Experience and Previous Answer of leonlee_hkg
2007-08-28 2:22 am
The fee is charged by the store so of coz it goes back to the store.

the 舖頭 charges you a fee when you pay with credit card because the credit card companies (e.g. VISA, AE, Master ,etc) do charge them a % of the charged amount everytime they slide your card thru machine. So the 舖頭 is just transferring their cost to customers. That means you, as the customer, bear the 手續費 that is charged by VISA. Hope that helps!

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