Melbourne 的3天旅行 (10 點)pls help me

2007-08-28 1:45 am
下個月頭我同2個朋友打算去melbourne 玩...
9月4-6日 ..星期2到4...3日2夜, 由canberra 出發...
所以by plane 只需1小時10分鐘..
我地星期2 早上10:30左右到melbourne..
星期4的20:00 左右走..
大家可唔可以suggest 係melbourne有咩好玩a??
去3日又玩咩好d 呢???
最好有地址同entry fee.etc 等等ge information..
唔該曬...thank you very very much!!!^^

回答 (2)

2007-08-29 12:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
QV is Melbourne's new inner city laneway precinct featuring a dynamic mix of high-end fashion and lifestyle retailers and a European style piazza with cafés, restaurants and bars.
China Town ( collins st )and Melbourne Central for shopping
Swanston Street and Bourke Street Mall
NewQuay great restaurant
Melbourne Aquarium, Melbourne Casino
Yarra River
2007-09-01 8:59 am
3 days is too limited for visit melbourne, but u can join 3 local tour to go to the main sight~
the great ocean rd, the puffing and healesville wildlife, andpenguin prarde, it take 3 days to finish~only 3 days is not enough to play..........if u want to shopping, there is melbourne central and some factory outlet.....and u can go to the Melbourne zoo....

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