
2007-08-28 1:25 am
1. 一般結婚前幾耐要安排雙方家長見面(我們已訂了酒席)?
2. 一般結婚前幾耐男友要同女方的家長提親?
3. 過大禮有咩手續?

回答 (1)

2007-08-31 5:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
first of all, Congratulation. As you have confirmed the day for your banquet, I am sure you have got the good date already.

To be honest, for question 1. & 2., normally it should be done before you book the banquet. Mostlikely, the banquet date would be the "good date" and it's found be matching your birthday with your Fiancee's birthday. Therefore, this should be done after your parents met and discussed how many tables would be suitable for both family. Also, that's the formal time to exchange the birthday. Of course, question 2 should be done before question 1. :p

Therefore, at the moment, the timing for question 1 and 2 would not be a big deal, of course, earlier is better and it's better to do question 2 before question 1.

Regarding question 3, you could search the esdlife for detail information or you could contact me via email [email protected]. I would try my best to give you information and advise. No worry, I am doing for interest, not for money.

Again, congratulation. Wish you have a good experience of preparing a good wedding.

2007-08-31 17:53:45 補充:
m email is wrong, it should be [email protected]

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