
2007-08-28 12:34 am
我 06年 ce 7 分...
想去英國升學..(因為有family 係英國)

回答 (2)

2007-08-28 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
According your result, you have a lot of choices. If your financial is good. You can choose the commercial or financial of below :
1) Foundation course
2) Access Course
3) HNC
4) HND
The foundation course and HNC is more suitable for you because it can help you to get the common commercial knowledge and help you get the better english for the future. Inside the course, a subject called personal skill is improve your english from the normal to standard requirements.
The access course is for the people without the normal qualification. It can help the people get the university qualification through the course, if you are passed.
HND is a two years full time course. It is same as first and second year of university. After two years, you need to get a top-up course and then if you pass, you can get a degree. It is same as university.
The above course normally runs in college, if you have some family in uk, ask them get some information for you as soon as possible. It is because the college start enroll now.
I hope it can help you.
2007-09-04 2:58 am
如果仔想用較短及穏陣的途徑升讀英的大學讀經濟, 我會建議你讀者

1. Foundation (大學先修班), 先讀一年foudation再升大學.
有私立及公立學院提供foudation 課程, 一般私立學院學費較貴, 公立較平. 但私立一般師 資及各樣質素均較好. 由於私立學校成績較好, 學生都得升到排名很好的大學

2. Certificate + Diploma (證書及文憑), 兩年證書+文憑, 再升讀大學2年級

有問題可email 我大家交流下啦 [email protected]

Good Luck !!
參考: 海外學生

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