How to express in English is much better

2007-08-27 10:24 pm
大家都知有大家的存在, 但第一次用 e-mail 溝通,是否需要講一些客套說話呢, 如果第一句話It is my pleasure to work with you.跟住到結後語話 Look forward to co operate with you soon, 係咪會好怪呀 ? 應該點講開塲白及結尾會好d呢, THX

回答 (1)

2007-08-27 10:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
are you talking about business email ? if so, you could use :

beginning of email :
Dear xx :

It's nice to be able to communicate with you via email OR
How are you ?

end of email :
I am looking forward to having a long-term cooperation with you !

x x x

wish the above can help !

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