快要當伴娘 但有很多問題要問 ~

2007-08-27 9:19 pm

還有丫...我是代新娘問的... 過大禮是否在早上做的?! 她說她媽咪話到補擺結婚酒才做丫=0=?! 但以我所知不是一早過完大禮才去註冊的嗎?!

回答 (6)

2007-08-31 5:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, I would recommend you talk about that with your friend. It's her wedding and it's better to dress "for her". If she wants to be casual, you just need to dress up a bit and no need to dress in special dress. If she think you could dress up a bit more, then you could ask her about what color would be better and good for her. It's her wedding, and you are her bride's maid, you would be standing besides her all the time. therefore, you would be showed up in most of her photos, then it could be a good reason to ask your friend.

As your friend is not going to have a banquet, you better ask her if she would have other chinese tradition on the same date, such as the groom would pick up the bride and play games at the door? will they deliver TEA for the elders? .....etc.

If none of those needs to do, you just need to take care of her all the time. Make sure she is pretty and make sure she is happy.

Regarding your friend's own question in the supplimentary, sending big gifts should be down about 2 weeks to a month before the chinese wedding date. In terms of chinese, her mom's right, it should be done when you want to have the chinese traditional things to be done. Therefore, it would be done about a month before the wedding banquet date. If your friend will not do any chinese thing and/or wedding banquet, there would be no need to do that. Since she is not formally married in terms of chinese tradition.

for your very last sentence, you may mix up with the deliver tea and sending big gift. anyway, no matter what kind of tradition, the final call should be from their parent. Different family may have different tradtion, no right or wrong, just be happy would be the main point.

If you need more information or idea, feel free to contact me via email [email protected]. No worry, I am not working for money, just for interest.
2008-12-12 11:21 pm
Got Necklace to go with the dress? its the whole set....hope this help u out a little bit + good luck!

2007-08-27 9:31 pm
新娘行體若有穿婚紗禮服的話, 你當然要穿伴娘裙啊.
新娘穿你也穿那會誇張, 若你不穿反而不太好,
她們不擺酒的話, 你的職責就簡單了,
全程跟著新娘子, 注意她的穿著會否有問題, 有否移位, 是否貼服,
化妝有沒有因走來走去或留汗而弄花了, 是否要補妝,
最主要係幫新娘子拎手袋或別人送出的禮物, 注意保管,
因為新娘子一定沒有時間去注意這些, 做伴娘的這天就是一個全能呀四.
2007-08-27 9:29 pm
2007-08-27 9:29 pm
參考: 自己平時穿衣服的意見。
2007-08-27 9:27 pm
參考: 自己

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