
2007-08-27 8:54 pm
【 本 報 訊 】 父 親 通 宵 開 工 , 母 親 一 早 離 家 上 班 , 中 間 一 段 短 短 的 真 空 時 間 , 只 有 3 歲 和 歲 半 大 的 小 兄 妹 獨 留 在 家 , 結 果 釀 成 一 個 無 法 彌 補 的 傷 痛 。 被 稱 為 「 破 壞 王 」 的 小 哥 哥 疑 仿 效 父 親 平 日 吸 煙 , 趁 家 中 沒 有 大 人 偷 偷 取 打 火 機 與 妹 妹 在 床 上 玩 , 火 舌 燒 雜 物 全 屋 盡 毀 , 小 兄 妹 同 被 燒 至 重 傷 。 消 防 員 接 報 到 場 時 , 見 男 童 負 傷 在 屋 內 猛 搖 鐵 閘 呼 救 , 立 即 破 門 將 他 和 昏 迷 在 地 上 的 妹 妹 救 出 送 院 。 警 方 事 後 拘 捕 涉 嫌 疏 忽 照 顧 子 女 的 母 親 。


回答 (4)

2007-09-01 1:08 am
【This report Xun 】the father starts work all night, the mother leaves home to go to work early in the morning, in the center a very short vacuum time, only 3 years old and year old half the big little brother and sister stay only at home, bringing about 1 as a result can't make up of distress. Being called little elder brother Yi of"break a king" imitates a father to smoke cigarette in normal times, taking advantage of to have no adult to take lighter and younger sister secretly to play on the bed in the house, the tongue of fire burns the miscellaneous articles or objects whole houseses to ruin to the utmost, the little brother and sister are together burned to severely wounds. Saw when fire fight member connected to register a field the boy wound fierce shook iron Zha to cry for help in the house, break a door immediately to send a hospital with obfuscation in younger sister's extrication on the ground he. Police's after the event arrests to involve in to neglect care the sons and daughters' mother.
參考: me..希望獲選最佳解答
2007-08-27 11:04 pm
the father worked all night and the mother went to work early in the morning.During a few times, the three year old and one and a half year old child stayed at home. Unluckily,there was a accidient.
2007-08-27 9:19 pm
News report - The father works all night and the mother starts working in the early morning. In this short period in between, only a 3-year-old and a year and a half old brother and sister left at home. As a result, an unrecoverable harm made.

The little brother so called "King of Distroy" pretended to smoke as his father. He took the lighter and played with his younger sister on the bed when all the adults were out. Quickly, the tongue of fire had eaten all the things inside the house and a big fire broke out. The kids were burnt badly. When the firemen came to the scene, the young boy was hurt and swung the iron gate repeatedly to call help. The firemen broke the gate and saved the young boy and his fainted sister from the floor and sent them to the hospital.

The police may properly sue their mother of negligence on children.
2007-08-27 8:59 pm
只有五分 ,不幫

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