更改上庭日期或代上庭 .

2007-08-27 8:22 pm

回答 (3)

2007-08-27 9:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
乜咁唔小心呀, 駕單車要留意路面情形, 你重係行人路踏單車,我都唔幫你啦!電視係上年已經通過左傳媒, 叫人唔好在行人路踏單車, 點解會咁做呢!行人路係比人行的, 單車係屬於車輛, 一駕車在行人路行你話行人避你定係你避人先。下次見到警察提早落車, 咁就冇事啦!
日期係無得改架, 呢d咁細單case 由星期一至星期五受審的, 又唔係大case, 更加唔會因為你番學同你改期, 而家唔係卜酒店, 政府唔會因你個人問題而更改, 你可以寫封受權信比你爸爸代你出庭, 只要有人認罪就得啦!保險d寫埋受權信穩陣d。
叫你爸爸帶定1500元上庭, 睇佢罰你幾多。
預早少少到法庭, 唔好咁遲, 你爸要在門外等庭警叫你個名先至好入, 如果已開左庭, 叫你入到內庭記得要鞠躬比法官
參考: 聽人講
2007-08-27 8:45 pm
Of course CANNOT!!! You are the one who did the offence...how can you ask your father to be the subsitution???
Unless you have some serious reasons, really can't attend on that day, totherwise you must attend to the court.
Furthermore if you need to change the date, you need to write a letter to the adminstration and wait for the approval. If they reject your request, then i think you know what you are suppose to do.
2007-08-27 8:32 pm
WEBSITE: http://www.doj.gov.hk/chi/new/index.htm

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