2007-08-27 8:41 am
我剛剛買了 KINGSTON的1 GB micro SD,將係CD中copy出黎的歌放入去,但係唔知點解有啲歌play唔到,有咩方法可解決?

回答 (2)

2007-08-27 8:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先睇下你係咪個格式對MP3, WMA OR other
定係你部機話support WMA,但你用Windows Media Player Copy時有保護,但你部機又唔support。[WMA Format適用]
你個MP3 Bit rate太高?
2007-08-27 8:44 am
the format is different, *.cda should be on CD
rip it with Windows Media Player 9-11 or other software
參考: Microsoft Windows Media

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