小5 數學 加 英文 問題 有兩條問題

2007-08-27 8:19 am
( 1 ,數學 ) 停車場有328個車位,其中 (8份之5) 是私家車車位,(4份之1) 是貸車車位。私家車車位和貸車車位的數量相差多少個?

(2 ,英文 )Hong Kong Disneyland Rules ?? ( 應做既x3 唔應做既x2 )

回答 (4)

2007-08-27 8:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
328 x 8分之5 - 328 x 4分之1
=205 - 82

2007-08-27 9:14 am
數學: 328x8份之5-328x4份之1=123個

英文應做既: You should throw rubbish in the rubbish bin.
Gives the person the position which has the need.
Please line up the purchase admission volume.

唔應做:You should't permit to join a production team.
You should't Daubed the wall
參考: I
2007-08-27 8:47 am
1) 328x(8份之5-4份之1)
2)We should keep there clean.
We should line up to play games.
We should....
We should not bring food go in.
We should not......
參考: 自己
2007-08-27 8:31 am
1. 328x5/8-328x1/4

2. (唔應做)We shouldn't bring any food to there

We can not throw any rubbishes.....

(應做)We need to keep the place tidy...

We can take photos of any characters of the land....

We should line up when we are waiting for the GAME
參考: ME

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