when you are 17 and want to live on your own from your parents?

2007-08-27 5:50 am
i am 17 and i dont want to live with my mom & dad anymore

回答 (7)

2007-08-27 5:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
i think u can emancipate from ur parents , since ur still underage
2007-08-27 1:12 pm
You are underage, so you can't sign a lease. You don't want to be a burden on a friend's family. Why not ride it out until you are 18? If you go for emancipation, you'll probably be almost 18 by the time it is legal.
2007-08-27 2:20 pm
If you live in the US…

Many people think emancipation is as simple is filing a petition and proving that you can support yourself (which by the way, it isn’t easy for a minor to do that, because they have to do it completely on their own with no help from anyone and while remaining in school). But that’s not true.

First, not all states have an emancipation statute (a legal process already in place through which a minor can petition the court for emancipation). Now, that doesn’t mean you can’t petition, because you can pretty much ask the court for anything you want, but it’s going to be a battle to get it approved (again, because it there is not already a process in place).

In the states that do have an emancipation statute, the requirements for it vary by state. For example, some states require that the parent consent to the emancipation/or at least not contest it. Some states require that the minor present the court with affidavits from persons such as a social worker, a teacher, a policeman, etc stating that they are aware the minor’s situation and believe that emancipation would be in their best interest. All states require that the minor present a *valid* reason why emancipation would be in your best interest (reasons such as not liking your parents rules or wanting more freedom aren’t valid reasons). There could be other requirements as well, and the court can deny the minor’s request for any reason that they see fit, including, but not limited to, their belief that the minor lacks the maturity to function as an adult.

Emancipation is RARELY granted in any state.

Also, keep in mind that it takes time (all legal processes do), so you might be 18, or right at it, before it even gets to court.
2007-08-28 1:50 am
Please be prepared, you need to be finacially independent: You need to take care you rent, food, car payment, insurance, utilities, cable, internet.... you name it.

I don't know which state you live in but here in california, a one bedroom apartment is $1200.00 (most cases you also need one month deposit, same thing when you need to start your own utilities, they also require usually $70-$80 deposit, so your first month bill can easily comes to over a hundred dollars. You may want to have at least $3000.00 to move out). unless you want to rent a room then you could probably get it around $700.00 then what is the difference? You are still sharing the same roof with someone else... Good luck. But I will do some research that how much you need to make before you really move out.
2007-08-27 1:29 pm
You don't have that long to wait until you are 18. Will you be able to swing going to another city for college?

The strategy is to just make yourself scarce... find things you can do that will keep you out of the house... it will be fine as long as you keep your grades up, do your appointed chores and stay out of trouble.
You are old enough to hold a job after school and on weekends... even if there aren't that many jobs to be had at local businesses, you can invent a job there in the neighborhood... dog walking, babysitting, yard work... if you have enough clients to book, you can do well.
You can spend the rest of your time with your friends. You can study with your friends or at some remote place like the library. You can eat up more time by being in some sport.

This way, you and your parents each get some space. If you are socking away some savings, you can buy yourself things like... say... a deposit on your own little apartment.
2007-08-27 1:16 pm
File a petition with the court to become emancipated. But you will have to prove that you are financially able to take care of yourself, and stay in school. After that, your parents are no longer legally responsible for anything!!!! Don't expect them to pay your rent and utilities.... or pay for your car, food, education, insurance, etc....
2007-08-27 1:17 pm
get emancipated

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