what does sharp or soft means in photos?

2007-08-27 3:05 am
lilke the color is sharp or soft or saturation. what do they mean?

回答 (5)

2007-08-27 3:21 am
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Sharp means that the focus is true. Soft means that the focus is off or you have too shallow a depth of field and not enough/the whole image is not in proper focus.

Saturation is the degree of color that an image has. Tool ittle saturation and the images look like they are closer to a black and white. Too much saturation, and the colors do not look true or they are too intense.
2007-08-27 5:53 am
sharp and soft is like blurry and clear. think of sharp as detailed and soft like fluffy and clouded...
2007-08-27 3:19 am
Sharp means, basically, in focus.

Soft means, NOT sharply focused - perhaps intentionally. For example, if you're doing a portrait of someone and want a dreamy effect.

But Soft can also refer to the quality of the light falling on the subject. In a studio you might do this with diffusion. Out doors you would choose early or late in the day when the sun is not too harsh.

Saturation - means the density of the colors in an image. You can oversaturate to make colors stronger, even harsher, than the original. Or you can desaturate colors so that they appear less dense.

There are some cameras that will give you saturated colors - usually called something like "vivid" colors. But be aware that if you choose to over-saturate colors this way you may not be able to lower them to something that looks more "normal" if you decide later that you'd like to.

I prefer to shoot sharp and "normal", and control softness and saturation afterward in Photoshop.

There are other programs - some of them free - that will do the same thing.
2007-08-27 3:31 am
Im with photoace, now you know what they mean you will want to do them.

People dont like this (jealous?) want to learn photography goto photography schhool.

Sharpness is not only focus its also lens quality and the stillness of the camera and lens when the shot is made

2007-08-27 3:15 am
sharp and soft generally is speaking about focus sharp focus shows every detail while soft focus filters soften those blemishes and lines we wish we didnt have

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