渝港國際 (0613)

2007-08-27 7:50 am
渝港國際 (0613)快開車,短期望見0.35

回答 (4)

2007-08-28 2:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
yes , i hope so , but what a slow motion , i have 200000 @0.315 when can i get my money back !!!!!!
2007-08-31 1:55 am
我0.282入... 應該要等到年尾吧.....
2007-08-30 10:22 pm
我都希望613可以開快車...........我0.29買, 都唔知幾時先到家鄉
2007-08-28 6:35 am
I buy from 0.239 and 0.25 ..
I think keep waiting until Sept !!
Then you and I can earn $$$

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