
2007-08-27 6:11 am
When school stars in september,the class choss a mother and a monitress . Write a passage in about 80 words explaining what makes someonea good monitor or monitress.

Monitor and monitress are important in a class. 接着就作下去吧!!!!!!

回答 (1)

2007-08-27 6:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Monitor (男班長) and monitress (女班長) are important in a class. They work for the classmates (同學) and assist (輔助) the teachers by acting as the leaders (領袖) in the class. For instance (例如), they help to maintain (維持) the discipline (紀律) so that the teacher can focus on (專心) teaching. They sometimes help the teachers to deal with (處理) the administrative (行政上的) works such as dispatching the classworks (堂課) and joting down the names (摘名) of those naughtiness (頑劣). Besides, they are the representatives (代表) when the class tries to raise (提出) any advice (建議) or request (要求) against the school.
To say, the monitor and the monitress are the bridge (橋樑) between the teachers and the students.

2007-08-28 00:16:45 補充:
Tks for the total support by P84k99! [What make someone a good M] showing in the question. Maybe, u should add the personality (性格) that a good M should behave, eg. responsible (有責任的), amicable (和譪的), smart & helpful. They should be trustworthy (可靠的).
參考: My creation

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