alone/lonely 兩者用法&分別~~~

2007-08-27 4:18 am
alone/lonely (寂寞) 兩者分別點用同有d咩分別~~~



回答 (4)

2007-08-27 4:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
alone and lonely are both an adjective !!!

1. Alone 單獨 , 獨自一人
Eg : He goes to the supermarket alone .
他自已一人到了超級市場 .

2. Lonely 孤寂 , 寂寞
英文解釋如下 : someone is unhappy because he is not with other happy

Eg .Since he left his girl- friend , he is lonely .
自從他離開了他的女朋友,他便變得孤寂 .

2007-08-26 20:32:12 補充:
someone is unhappy because he is not with other happy it should be :someone is unhappy because he is not with other people
2007-09-04 2:25 am
lonely 係形容詞,解「孤獨、寂寞」,講o既係心情,感覺。如:
Ben is feeling so lonely because his friends are angry with him.
alone 可以係形容詞試副詞,即「一個人/單獨」,係一個冇人同你一齊o既狀態。有人同你一齊,你就唔係 alone 。如:
形容詞:She lives alone.
副詞:I can go alone, you don't have to go with me.
由於 lonely 係感覺,同有冇人同你一齊冇關,所以你可以講:
Pete is never alone, his family are always around. However, he always feels lonely because he thinks no one really understand him.
2007-08-27 6:08 am
Alone是副詞(Adverb), 形容動作.
例如, 他單獨在小徑上行走, 即是,
He walk alone.

例如, 我們應多關懷寂寞的長者, 即是
We should show much concern to the lonely elderly.
2007-08-27 4:47 am
alone 是一種狀態,指單獨一人
lonely 是一種感覺,指寂寞或孤單
例如:All my family members are out. I am alone at home. (No one is with me.)
Therefore, I feel lonely. ( I have no one to talk to/to play with.....)

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