
2007-08-27 1:37 am

A car is travelling at a speed of V m/s.
(a) What is the distance travelling by the car in T seconds?
(b) Fing the distance travelled by the car at a speed of 210 m/s in one and a half minutes.

The area of a parallelogram is equal to the area of a triangle. The height of the triangle is 5 cm. If the two figures have the same base,find the height of the parallelogram.
Let the height of the parallelogram be H cm and their bases be B cm.

回答 (6)

2007-08-27 1:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
1(a) distance travelled = VT m
(b) distance travelled = VT = 210 *(1.5*60) = 18900 m

2 The area of parallelogram = the area of triangle
HB = (5B)/2
H = 5/2 =2.5
Therefore, the height of the parallelogram is 2.5 cm
參考: myself
2007-08-28 6:18 am
2007-08-27 1:52 am
(a) V x T = D (distance )
(b) 210 x 90 = 18900 m , one and a half minutes = 90 second

(c) (B x 5)/2=B x H

It may be wrong ,if i get wrong please correct my answer.
參考: myself
2007-08-27 1:45 am
(a) distance=TV(m)
(b) distance=(90)(210)


2007-08-26 17:47:35 補充:
the area of a triangle=The area of a parallelogramthe area of a triangle=5B/2The area of a parallelogram=HB
2007-08-27 1:43 am
汽車旅行以V m/s.
(a)什麼是距離旅行乘汽車在T 幾秒鐘內的的速度?
(b) Fing 距離旅行了乘汽車以210 m/s 在一個和一半分鐘的速度。
平行四邊形的區域與三角的區域是相等的。三角的高度是5 cm 。如果二個圖有同樣基地, 發現平行四邊形的高度。讓平行四邊形的高度是H cm 並且他們的基地是B cm 。
2007-08-27 1:42 am

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