
2007-08-26 10:40 pm
我想知既有兩野樣 希望有人解答
1 UE分幾多份卷 個幾份卷考D咩野><
2 佢地佔既百分率係幾多><


回答 (2)

2007-08-26 10:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
there are all together 5 papers

Section A – Listening
Examining time for Section A 1 hour; weighting 18%

Section B – Writing
Examining time for Section B 1¼ hours; weighting 18%

Section C
(1) Reading
Examining time for Section C(1) 20 minutes; weighting 6%
(2) Language Systems
Examining time for Section C(2) 70 minutes; weighting 12%
Both parts of Section C will be tested together in a 1½ hour paper.

Section D – Oral English
In Part One, each candidate will be required to present a brief spoken account of a short written text lasting from 1½ to 2 minutes. The four texts will be related to the same topic.
In Part Two, the candidates will take part in a 10–minute discussion on a topic related to the texts they spoke about in Part One of the examination. The discussion will simulate a study-related or work-related situation where it is assumed there is a problem to be solved or a task to be addressed.
Both parts of Section D will be tested together. Examining time for Section D 20 minutes; weighting 18%

Section E – Practical Skills for Work and Study
Examining time for Section E 1¾ hours; weighting 28%

More details available at : http://eant01.hkeaa.edu.hk/hkea/redirector.asp?p_direction=body&p_clickurl=hkale%5Fsyllabuses%2Easp

P.S.all subjects syllabuses available~
2007-08-26 11:12 pm
Section A-Listening (18%) (~1 hour)
考生需根據聲帶內容回答問題, 問題以多項選擇、填圖、填表、剔正確答案、short/long question及填充為主. 你要留意UE聆聽聲帶播放速度比CE快好多, UE聲帶速度同英文台報新聞差唔多. 如果你listening唔好既要學下速寫技巧, 日常生活要多聽同UE速度差唔多既聲帶同睇英文台.
Section B-Writing (18%) (75 mins)
設題4條, 任選一條, 作一篇不少於500字文章. 體裁包括建議書、議論文、article、書信等為主. 文章內容主要以生活及時事為主. 例如過去幾年出過拔尖計劃對不同層面的影響、祈福黨、美伊戰爭、壓力、旅遊業等.
Section C-Reading & Language System (18%) (閱讀理解佔6%, 其他佔12%) (1.5 hours)
問題以多項選擇、填充及proofreading為主. 多項選擇包括閱讀理解、MC Cloze(包括選詞語及選句子)、Matching. Summary Cloze就係做填充.
Section D-Oral (18%)
第一部分為個人短講. 10分鐘準備, 1.5分鐘至2分鐘演講. 監考員會提供卡紙及問題. 問題卷上不可寫任何東西. 你要根據考試提供的文章內容發表短講. 考試會要求你概括文章內容, 有需要時可加上個人意見. 文章會於準備時間後收回, 到時你只可用卡紙上的提示應考.
第二部分為10分鐘小組討論, 不包括兩分鐘的準備時間. 討論主題與你剛才讀的文章有關. 四位考生需就題目要求討論.
Section E-Practical Skills for Work & Study (28%) (90 mins)
試卷會有一個data file, 以及給你一個情景, 要求你根據data file的資料完成指定task. Task可包括填表、寫信、寫文章、填表格等.

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