"CREPE" 是什麼語言的文字?點解?點讀?

2007-08-26 1:12 pm
"CREPE" 是什麼語言的文字?點解?點讀?


回答 (2)

2007-08-26 6:15 pm
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Crepe 是法文 pancake,是很薄的!
英文發音 kr+ape
咸食....內有餡,such as mushrooms, sausages, seafoods, bacon.....etc, and sauce, 包着或卷着上碟;
甜食...內餡為 fruits, such as strawberries, with a fruit or chocolate sauce, folded or rolled up
2007-08-26 1:28 pm
yes is pancake
Crepe is a type of very thin cooked pancake usually made from wheat flour. The word, like the pancake itself, is of French origin, deriving from the Latin crispa, meaning "curled".

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